part 22

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They arrived and Zeynep was so happy
"and this is my house here my little you like it?"
Zeynep closed the door after her "i will be with you so...i love it!"
Emir smirked "what else?!" he said while taking steps towards her
"hmm...i miss you..your touches...your breath" zeynep said while smirking
Emir sticked his body to hers so Zeynep moaned , he was touching every part of her body and he was going crazy
"we should take off the bride's dress right" he touched the zipper of the dress and was about to kiss her but she pushed him slowly "we should go to the beach right?" she smiled "we came here for a vacation"
Emir was angry "what is this now?!"
"you are rejecting!"
"i told you Emir bey i am not your slave"
Emir rolled his eyes angrily "i will go to the bathroom..don't go anywhere!" he left quickly leaving Zeynep , she laughed and opened her suitcase quickly
Emir went downstairs "Zeynep!" he was searching for her "where are you!!"
He looked around him then saw her suitcase opened and her wedding dress on the couch "NO YOU DIDN'T"
he grabbed his phone calling her and it was off
Emir closed his eyes tightly "you will pay for this Zeynep!"
Zeynep was drinking and dancing at the beach shaking her hips and raising her hands , Emir grabbed her arm angrily
"What!!! Offff Emir!!" she pushed his arm
"What are you doing!!!"
"having fun!"
"without me!! With these dirty men right!!"
"what happened are you jealous!!"
"Zeynep! Come with me don't make me mad!!"
"you will say it Emir!!" she whispered
"COME!" he took her hand between his hand walking with her between those men he was looking at them angrily , Zeynep looked at their hands and smiled widely
Beren smirked "and here is our champion!"
"WHAT DO YOU WANT!" Alihan said walking towards her
They were inside an old building
"i want you to help me Alihan...we should take revenge"
"what revenge!! Are you crazy!"
"no i am not!! They are in Bodrum!! They are together having fun , AND WE ARE HERE SUFFERING"
"I won't be a part of this game Beren!! You wanted to kill Zeynep"
"yes i wanted to kill her! But if we are together from now on i won't touch her I promise!"
"I don't trust you"
"you will...because i won't touch her and you won't touch Emir!!"
"but how will we take revenge then!"
"we will make them hate each other"
"I will tell you" she smirked
At night
Zeynep drank the whole bottle and laughed shaking her hips , Emir turned off the music "Zeynep you drank too much ok enough"
"oh are you scared! Don't worry i won't die"
"Zeynep you are taking pills and this is not good for you"
"you care just for pills right!! Everything is sex sex sex"
Emir took the bottle from her hands and threw it on the floor so it was broken then he pushed Zeynep , but she was drunk so she fell on the floor quickly then she screamed in pain , she pulled a piece of glass out of her arm and it was bloody , Emir was looking at her with a different look , he clenched his fist
Zeynep stood up looking at him angrily then she ran slowly towards the bathroom
Emir was sitting on the couch drinking whiskey , Zeynep took steps towards him "you won't come to bed?" she felt it he was seeing himself guilty
"no..sleep Zeynep" he drank more
"Emir nothing happened i was drunk so i fell down and..."
He cut her words "I pushed you"
Zeynep stopped talking and looked at him for seconds "Emir it is just a simple cut it will be fine"
"i was angry...maybe the next time i will hurt you badly"
"I am a monster"
"don't say that!"
"i thought you are safe with me...I wanted to protect you from Beren and her father but i forgot to protect you from me!"
"Emir it is just a simple cut"
Emir stood up "IT WILL BE WORSE! the next time it will be worse"
Zeynep was speechless "you should stay away from me Zeynep!" Emir said this and he wasn't confident but he was forced
"Emir I forgave you...I forgot everything just because I love you!"
"you won't feel the same when i hurt you"
Zeynep sat on the couch with tears
"prepare yourself we are leaving tomorrow morning" he said this quickly and went upstairs
Zeynep closed her eyes tightly
Next morning
Zeynep and Emir were inside the car , Emir looked at her then looked at the road again then after a few minutes he did it again and again...Zeynep felt really bad , she felt pain in her stomach but this time it was harder than everytime she tried to act cool but she couldn't "EMIR...STOP THE CAR!"
"what happened!!"
Emir stopped the car immediately , Zeynep ran out trying to calm herself "OH MY GOD"
"TAKE ME TO MY DOCTOR...NOW" she was crying out of pain "Emir please take me to her"
"Z..Zeynep are you ok??!!"
"I AM SICK" she couldn't bear this pain she closed her eyes and fell in Emir's arms

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