Keep Ya Head Up

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Aiyyo, I remember Marvin Gaye, used to sing to me
He had me feelin' like black was the thing to be
And suddenly the ghetto didn't seem so tough
And though we had it rough, we always had enough
I huffed and puffed about my curfew and broke the rules
Ran with the local crew, and had a smoke or two
And I realize momma really paid the price
She nearly gave her life, to raise me right

- Tupac

(David's P.O.V)

"Yes sir it will take some time to get your results back but we will give you a call when we need do everything on our in. I just wanted you to hear from the doctor himself." "Okay, thank you sir."
I hung up the phone and went back to Carmen.

"Is everything alright? Do we need to wrap up this little dinner thing?" "Oh Nah, that was just this lady calling me back about the DNA test stuff. No reason to end this."

(Indy P.O.V)

"Chris!" I waited about 2 seconds and I didn't even get a response. "Christopher!" "Yes, love!? Gimme a minute I'm coming upstairs." "Now what is it Indy?"
"Why tf is this bitch texting your phone again!?"
"I have no clue, my love, do what you need baby."
"Tangela is getting on my fucking nerves, how did she find your number?" "I'm not sure baby but we'll find a way to stop all of this madness."
"I'm about to text Carmen, no wait I can't. Fuck!"
"Why you can't?" "She's having dinner with David right now. "Just send her a text at least. We're gonna have to do something about this shit soon."
Well, I just texted her babe.

(Carmen P.O.V)

"Well thank you for dinner and the gifts were nice. But son you know you can't buy me." "Carmen I know that. Can I give you a hand since I'm already carrying Cali, I can put her in bed for you and be out your hair." "I mean that's... Carmen just texted me saying Tangela is texting Chris's phone. David, what's going on with her?" "Carmen... baby I don't know can you give me some time to figure out?" "David take all the time you need... in the meantime find out if that's your child. You can leave, I'll take Cali to bed. Goodnight David."

I closed the door and locked it. I made my way to Cali's room and I couldn't believe how things are going I didn't understand why Tangela is popping back up!

"Yo Indy what's up? I just put Cali in her bed." "Sister... Tangela has been texting Chris... sis she's taking over our spots out here... she's killed 15 of our workers... Yo, fuck this city bruh." "Indy we can't just up and fucking move every time shit gets hard, we just gotta take it back to the old days I guess." "I'm sending Jaylin to my moms, anytime Tangela is involved she like to do spiteful shady shit, but that's them Jamaicans for your ass." "Indy you don't have to send your son away for this bitch! Look we got this."

(David's P.O.V)

"Tangela bruh lay tf off bruh! You always want to start some shit." "Fuck you nigga, I'll kill all you, mark my words, you can't keep me away! I have your son, and you treat me like shit!" "Tangela you knew what tf this shit was when everything started! I'm fucking married and how I know that's my fucking baby?" "I haven't been with anyone but you David! You'll see we will get the test done."

5 weeks later

(Indy P.O.V)

"Baby, I guess everything is cool now. David somehow handled things." "That's good baby, but I honestly think we have to cool out with all this shit man. But I have some good news." "What's the news, and why do we have to cool out this how we make our money babe?" "I just opened up 4 laundromats to clean our money.
But look baby when I mean cool out... I mean to chill with doing business with David bruh he too hot right now. They have a lot of shit going on on their end and it's fucking with our money." "So you want me to stop doing business with my friend?" "Nah... never mind forget I mentioned anything I feel you gonna take that the wrong way. I just don't see how you don't see how this whole situation has been as a whole for us." "Chris... I knew them before I knew you... you have to understand we have history and we started this shit together. Imma ride for mine." "
Indigo I didn't say you didn't... I want you to be safe my love! I don't want to keep sending my son away every time shit goes south. We shouldn't have to move that way. We have a child! We're a fucking family! You can't put your damn family first for once? Do you want to trap all your life Indigo? I don't even want you doing this shit I want you to do more! I want you to raise our children with no worries! That's all! But I'm going to bed." He kissed me goodnight. "I love you Indigo!"

Thug Wives Part 2 (Urban story)Where stories live. Discover now