No Angel

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When Sammy and Bendy made it to the others Cuphead rushed to Bendy and hugged him, causing the two of them to fall to the floor. "I missed ya too Cuppy." Bendy chuckled. There was a click of a camera and they looked to see Felix holding the camera. "Couldn't resist." Felix smirked before being chased by Cuphead. Mugman went up to Sammy and timidly said, "M-Mr. Lawrence?.." "Yeah, its me kid." Sammy answered, kneeling down to Mugman's height. "Sorry about hitting your head." "Its okay." Mugman chirped. "Hey ummm," Oswald started. "Hate to ruin the moment here but, CAN ANYONE EXPLAIN WHAT'S GOIN' ON HERE!?!" Mickey and Mugman looked at him in surprise, Cuphead was trying to get the camera that Felix was holding out of reach, both frozen and looked at Bendy, Sammy, and Boris. The wolf and demon looked down. "Joey is what happened..." Bendy growled, gripping his arm tightly. "What did Joey do?" Felix asked. "T-terrible things.." Boris whimpers. "After Henry left things took da turn for da worst." Bendy explained. "He tricked Susie, did somethin' ta her, made her go insane. Scared poor Alice in da process. Then that's when he did it..." Bendy growled again, ink starting to drip off of him. "He knocked both me and Boris out. Chained me in a pentagram. Forced me ta hear Boris' screams in da other room while I was unable ta do anythin'." The ink dripped down faster. "Then, after killin' my little brother, he had da nerve ta tell me it was for my 'protection'!" "B-Bendy.." Cuphead said quietly, Mugman clutching one of his arms. "Then he became a pure monster." Bendy continued. "Tryin' ta look like me. Hurtin' my friends. Havin' control over most of da studio. Turnin' the workers inta Searcher or human-like corruption like Sammy was... I have control over some of da studio, and he doesn't like that. He's been tryin' ta get me for thirty years, just ta have full control of his little 'game'." Bendy sniffles, his tail lowered to the ground. "He tricked us, lied ta us... Betrayed us..." "Bendy..." Cuphead whispered again. He went to the demon and hugged him. Bendy was shocked at first then hugged back, sobbing. The other Toons and Sammy all hugged the demon. After Bendy calmed down he said, "We should go ta da safe house. It's not safe ta be out here for too long." The others nodded and lets go. As they followed the demon and wolf, Sammy glanced over his shoulder to see the lopsided grin in the dark.

~timeskip from the lovable Mugman~

Once they got to the safe house Felix pulled out two sleeping bags. Mugman and Mickey had one sleeping bag while Oswald and Felix shared another. Boris and Sammy in the hammock and Bendy and Cuphead had the cot. A few hours later Felix woke up before anyone else and got out of the sleeping bag without waking Oswald. He noticed Bendy and Cuphead hugging each other in their sleep and nearly grinned like his cousin, the Cheshire Cat, before taking a picture. After he put the camera away he walked out of the room to heat up some of bacon soup from his bag. Some time later Bendy came to the stove where Felix was digging through his bag, a old, broken can opener was next to the can. Bendy chuckled and used his claw to cut the top open. "Here Felix." He said. The cat looked up to see the opened can. "Hehe, thanks Bendy." Felix said. "Anytime pal." The demon replied. As they heated up the soup the others had woken up and came into the room. "Mornin' sleepy heads." Bendy said, snikering at Oswald's ruffled fur. "M-morning Bendy." Mugman said, yawning. Once the soup was done, Bendy and the others sat at either the rickety table or on the floor. "So what do we do now?" Felix asked after a while. "Well," Bendy said. "We ta get you guys outta here." "But, what about you? And Boris and Sammy?" Cuphead asked as Sammy looked away with a sad look in his uncovered eye. "We can't leave..." Bendy answered. "Thanks ta Joey, me, Sammy, and Boris are trapped here." "Well, we can find a way to free you guys." Felix said. "I tried, there are obstacles I can't pass and Joey is stronger than I am. Ya saw what happened in Sammy's room. So how da heck are ya gonna free us?" Bendy replied. "Dude!" Cuphead said. "Both me and Mugs defeated the Devil himself and freed all of Inkwell Isle." "And me and Mickey saved the forgotten toons twice." Oswald added.  "And the number of times I had to deal with that big bully, Pete." Mickey said. "You see Bendy? No matter how powerful the enemy is, we always manage to be defeat them with teamwork!" Bendy was surprised for a bit then smiled his signature smile. "I guess you're right." He reached under the table and pulled out a old toolbox. He opened it and grabbed a lever. "Just in case." He said, seeing the confused looks of the other Toons except Boris. He went to a metal door, puts the lever in the machine next to it, and pulls it. As the door opens, Felix went to put the sleeping bags into his magic bags and came back hold the bag and a bone. "Here Boris." He said, holding out the bone. Boris took the bone in his mouth and wags his tail. Bendy chuckled and he and the others left the safe house. As soon as Mugman was the last to exit the safe house the door closes, locking them out. "No goin' back guys." Bendy said quietly. As they walked walked down the hallway they noticed a Miracle Station with a halo drawn on the door. "What is this for?" Mugman asked. "Hidin'..." Bendy simply said. "Oh." Said Mugman. They continued till they saw that a part of the hallway was completely dark. Sammy grabbed a old flashlight and turned it on. "Stay close." He warned. They went into the darkness, staying close to each other. There was machinery and ink everywhere. Suddenly, there was a sound of someone, or something, running above them. "What was that?!" Oswald said in alarm. They all stood still for a minute, but didn't here anything else other than the machines. "Come on..." Bendy said, tail swaying slowly. "We got ta keep goin'." They continued till they reached light and a pair of metal doors. As soon as everyone was in the area another pair of doors closed behind them. "Well great." Oswald said. "How do we get outta here?" Boris gave a muffled bark and pointed at himself then the open vent that was on the wall near the floor. "Sammy." Said Bendy, knowing what Boris is thinking. "Give Boris the flashlight." Sammy was a bit confused, but he trust his lord. He gave the flashlight to the wolf and Boris went through the vent, which closed after he entered. After a couple of minutes the doors in front of them opened. "Come on, we'll meet Boris up ahead." Bendy said and they left the area to see a bigger room with Bendy and Boris toys of different sizes and a tall pillar with the words "Heavenly Toys" and a large halo on top. Cuphead made a beeline to a medium sized Bendy plush and held it close. "Why do ya want the toy when ya have da real thin'?" Bendy asked, then blushed deeply. Cuphead blushed as well and hid his face behind the toy. The others snickers a bit. "L-lets keep goin'." Bendy stuttered, still blushing. They went up the stairs next to the pillar and heard someone humming. "Who's that?" Mugman asked. Bendy was growling a bit. "I think I know who it is." He said. "I just hope I'm wrong." They entered a toy machine room and saw a door at the other side of the room that was blocked by a shelf full of Alice Angel dolls. "I don't be seein' what the big deal is." A Irish voice said from a audio log that Mickey turned on. "So what if I went and painted some of those Bendy dolls with a crooked smile? That's sure no reason for Mr. Drew to be flyin' off the handle at me! And if he really wants to be helpful, he could be tellin' me what I'm to be doin' with this warehouse I got full of that Angel whatchamacallit. Not a scrap of that mess be a-sellin'! Probably have to melt it all down to be rid of it all." "Shawn Flynn..." Bendy whispered. "The toy maker?" Sammy asked and Bendy nodded. "Drew was really hard on him over those toys." "Poor guy." Mickey said. They looked at the machines then Sammy went to a lever that was next to the top of the stairs and pulled it. The machines started working but the gears were stuck, so Bendy and the others removed the toys that was wedged in the gear belts. Mickey then pulled the lever on the machine and the self of Alice dolls moved. He does this a few times till the door was from of shelves, then they entered a room that was filled with Alice Angel merchandise. There were also TVs and a huge window that had another room with fake clouds and a door with a star and the name Alice on it. As they venture in the room, the lights shuts off and the TVs turns on to show Alice's face and a song starts playing. The group huddled close together, Oswald and Cuphead in front of their little brothers protectivly. In the middle of the song a light switched on in the room behind the window. Bendy inched closer, his claws poking through his gloves. Suddenly, a woman banged on the window and screamed, "I'M ALICE ANGEL!!!" She had long black hair, a broken halo in her hair, small, white, ink tipped horns, a black dress, crooked white bow on her chest, ink covering her arms to the elbow, and the right side of her face was normal, but the left was distorted. Mugman screamed and Felix and Bendy hissed as the fake Alice smashed the glass and everything went pitch black. "I see you there~" She sang  in the darkness. "N-no you don't." Mugman whimpered. "New flies in my endless we-" "Shut up Susie..." Bendy interrupted her in a bored voice. "BENDY!!!" Susie yelled. "GET OUT OF MY DOMAIN!!!!" "Your domain?" Bendy said, tilting his head. "Last I checked, you were in your little haunted house." "SHUT UP BENDY!" Susie shouted then chuckled. "Well, if you want me out, then let's see if your little friends are worthy to walk among the angels." Then the lights turned on and the saw the shattered window and a opening to the side of the room. Cuphead was trying to calm Mugman while Oswald was holding Mickey, who was shaking slightly. After Felix, Bendy, and Sammy helped them they entered through the opening and saw  two different paths and a sign in between. One of the arm said "Angel" and pointed right, while the other said "Demon" and pointed left. Bendy and the others went left to the "Demon" path and heard a metallic door close on the "Angel" path. There was a room flooded with ink and a audio log on a chair. They trudged through the ink and Felix played the audio log. "There's nothing wrong with dreaming," A voice said, Bendy groaned slightly and puts hand on his head in discomfort. "Wishing for the impossible is just human nature. That's how I got started. Just a pencil and a dream. We all want everything, without even lifting a finger. They say you just have to believe." Bendy hissed, stumbling back a bit. "Belief can make you succeed." Mugman looked over at Bendy. "Bendy?" "Belief can make you rich." The other looked to see the demon put both hands on his head. "Belief can make you powerful." "My Lord!" Sammy yelled as Mickey and Oswald caught Bendy, who nearly collapsed into the ink. "Why with enough belief, you can even cheat death itself. Now that... is a beautiful, and positively silly thought." Oswald and Mickey helped Bendy out of the flooded room and onto the floor against the wall. "Bendy?" Cuphead said gently. Bendy was shaking, he has his head on his knees with his hands gripping his head and his tail wrapped around his legs. Cuphead rubbed Bendy's back to try and calm him down. Cuphead looked to the room that had Joey's audio log and Mugman saw his brother's red eyes darken in anger.

Yay cliffhanger lol.
I shall work on the next part as soon as I can. Characters and art does not belong to me and let me know of any grammar mistakes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2020 ⏰

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