Chapter 2:A nice massacre

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On the empire all was good and dandy. Well, if you don't account the coruption. But at the castle the things weren't bad at all. Kumagawa got acostumed with the Jaegers. Seryu was remiding him of his underclassman obssesed with justice. Stilish was like one of his minus classmates. Tatsumi and Wave was Zenkichi material. And Bols was nice. Only if he was a young girl.

Well, now he was present at a call of help in Esdeath's relationship. Though, Tatsumi looked in more need of hell being tide down to a chair, again. Not that he wouldn't enjoy the show.

Esdeath:We have some communication problems. So is or was any of you in a relationship.

Bols:In fact, I'm married.

Kumagawa:[And at me it's a little complicated.]

Esdeath:Oh, Bols that's good. And what do you mean Kumagawa.

Kumagawa:[Well, I practic had a girlfriend, we didn't broke up but it's complicated.]

Wave:It's can't be so complicated.

Kumagawa:[It includs a student council, seals, screws, a beast woman and a ripped face.]

At this declaration they got shoked. Even Esdeath looked confused. But, Kurome had a competitive expresion on her face.

Wave:Never mind, I don't want to know.

Kumagawa:[That'll help you sleep better at night.]

Tatsumi:Was that girl named Anshin'in-san?

At that moment Kumagawa's smile froze. The air becomed thick. His eyes were dead and cold. Tatsumi was very scared.

Kumagawa:[Tatsumi-chan, how do you know that.]

Tatsumi:E-eh, I overheard you last night talking to yourself.

Kumagawa:[Ah, that so.]

In the next moment he changed in a comedic situation. Kumagawa. It's meaning is bear reaver. A good name for him. He is alwais changing, twisting like a river.

Kumagawa:[Kyaaah! So you were stalking me! Pervert! Creep! Don't tell me! You're not responding to Esdeath-chan's avances because you swing that way!?]

Tatsumi:W-what, no that's not it!

Esdeath:What? Tatsumi, it's that true?

Tatsumi:I just said it's not!

Kumagawa:[Esdeath-chan, it looks like we need to show him the beauty of a woman. With force.]

Esdeath:Very well. Let's get him naked.


After the comotion calmed down Esdeath annouced they were asigned to kill a bandit band. All were ready and arrived after some time. Kumagawa went with Seryu and Kurome.

Seryu:Finnaly, we have the chance to bring justice!

Kumagawa:[Yeah. I mean hope and peace and light, I'm all for that.]

Kurome:Well we should start.

Kumagawa:[Looks like they already know we are here.]

They were surronded by bandits. And because Stylish, Bols and Wave had their sections and Esdeath and Tatsumi were looking. They'll need to sort it themselves.

Kurome:So much could be a problem.

Kumagawa:[I think it's good. Now I don't need to seek them out.]

Seryu:You're right, Kumagawa. Let's work.

The battle begun. Seryu and Koro were making a duo and Kurome was cutting down enemies. Kumagawa was standing relaxed, that gived the bandits  to launch themselves. But before they could touch him they were impaled by oversized screws.

He was doging evry enemy and killing them with ease. The final one was in his face. He was weilding a big sword. Kumagawa just had a funny idea.

Kumagawa:[Tell you what. I'll not move or defend myself. You can hit me.]

The bandit was overcome by fear and hit him. He cut him in two, blood evrywhere. The two girls he was with were overcome with anger and sorow.


Kurome:You'll pay for this!

Kumagawa:[A good hit.]

They looked over Kumagawa's corpse to see there was no corpse. No blood or injury. Not a scratch on his clothes.

Kumagawa:[You would've win. That is, if I could acttualy die.]

Bandit:B-b-but how!?!?

Kumagawa:[Oh, I forgot to mention? I'm kinda immortal.]

He then drived a oversized screw through the bandit's head. Oblitereting it and killing him.


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