Days go by as the years pass,
and I still find myself stuck in the last,
crying and screaming for you to come home,
begging and pleading for you not to go.
Too young to lose you,
and unable to say goodbye,
I avoid the truth,
Try to say you are still Alive.....
Last Christmas, I saw you,
Frozen in time, stuck in a picture,
At a certain point in life....
I cried that day, and everyday after,
begged and pleaded, for time to go backwards.
To give me a chance, to keep you here,
and tell you I love you instead of shedding tears....
Today is the same,
though I know the truth,
I still beg and plead to be able to save you,
I cry myself to sleep, unable to take the pain,
and wishing for the same thing, over and over again....
Daddy please, couldn't you see?
I'd rather have you than what's under the tree....
So again, I make the same heart broken wish,
Ask Father Time to rewind the clock,
So I won't have to go through,
Another Christmas Without You....