I Love You

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This one is all fluff so there is no warnings.

*Your POV*
After a long and stressful day at work, I was finally home. I had the house to myself tonight since Chris was filming night scenes for a movie. He wouldn't be back until after midnight, so I made a bowl of pasta for dinner as I watched today's news. Usually, this is something that I did with Chris, but I was alone tonight. All I wanted to do was lay in bed and go to sleep, but I had to shower first.

I turned on the shower and waited a minute for the water to heat up. Stepping into the shower, I shut the glass door and began to wash my hair. Like any normal person, I started to sing in the shower, since no one else was home. No one ever heard me sing because I didn't dare to make a fool of myself. I liked to sing, but wasn't very confident in my voice around other people. The song "I Love You" by Billie Eilish had been stuck in my head all day. I remembered reading that if you sing a song that is stuck in your head, it could help you get it out, so that's exactly what I did.

It's not true
Tell me I've been lied to
Crying isn't like you
What the hell did I do?
Never been the type to
Let someone see right through

You paused while you washed your face. You usually didn't wash your face in the shower, but it was just easier to do it now rather than later since you were so tired.

Maybe won't you take it back
Say you were tryna make me laugh
And nothing has to change today
You didn't mean to say "I love you"
I love you and I don't want to

*Chris POV*
Thank god it started raining. I didn't want to have to shoot night scenes in the rain. They sent us all home and said we would try again tomorrow night. I unlocked the front door and took off my shoes.
"Y/N? Where are you?" I knew that Y/N should be home by now, but I couldn't find her anywhere. I saw an empty bowl and a fork in the sink so I put them in the dishwasher and headed to the bedroom. It was then that I heard the shower running and knew where Y/N was. I started to get undressed to join her in the shower when I heard a soft voice.

Up all night on another red eye
I wish we never learned to fly
Maybe we should just try
To tell ourselves a good lie
I didn't mean to make you cry

I had never heard Y/N sing before. She actually had a beautiful voice. I couldn't believe that she kept her talent hidden from me. I ignored the part of me that wanted to join her in the shower, and instead, just stood outside the door, listening to her voice. It honestly was the prettiest voice I had ever heard. She sounded like she wasn't even trying to sound good, but she just naturally did. I could listen to her voice forever.

Maybe won't you take it back
Say you were tryna make me laugh
And nothing has to change today
You didn't mean to say "I love you"
I love you and I don't want to

The song she was singing was quite beautiful too. I had never heard it before, but that's probably because I only listen to Disney music. I was amazed at how talented Y/N was. I hoped that she wouldn't notice that I was home so she would continue to sing.

*Your POV*
The smile that you gave me
Even when you felt like dying

This song made me think of Chris. He made so many sacrifices for me, and I for him. I thought about how he brings out the best in me and is always looking out for me. What more can you want in a boyfriend? There was something different that I felt with him, something that I never felt with any of my past boyfriends. I really did love him. I finished up washing my body and turned the water off. I stepped out of the shower and grabbed my towel. While I dried off, I continued singing.

We fall apart as it gets dark
I'm in your arms in Central Park
There's nothing you could do or say
I can't escape the way, I love you
I don't want to, but I love you

I wrapped the towel around myself and opened the bathroom door. I gasped as I saw Chris leaning against the wall outside the bathroom.
"Chris! You're home early!" I nervously said. I was hoping that he hadn't heard me singing; I didn't want him to make fun of my awful voice. He was wearing gray sweatpants and no shirt, which I was a little confused about, but of course, I didn't mind.
"Ya, it started to rain so they sent us home." We stood there for a minute just looking at each other. He had a growing smile on his face that was utterly adorable. Then I realized that he was probably holding in his laughter from hearing me sing. I bit my lip and looked away from him as I walked to the bureau to get out my clothes.

"Hey, Y/N," Chris grabbed my wrist and I turned around, raising my eyebrows at him.
"You didn't tell me you could sing." I could feel my cheeks turning red out of embarrassment. He heard me singing. It's over, here come the jokes.
"Stop it, please don't make fun of me. I'm really tired and I'm not in the mood to be made fun of." His smile faded to a confused look.
"Why would I make fun of you? You have a beautiful voice." I glared at him; he couldn't be serious.
"Y/N," he took me in his arms and gave me a tight hug before placing his hands on my shoulders and looking me in the eye.
"I'm being serious. Why didn't you ever sing for me before? You're very talented." No matter what he said, I wasn't going to believe that he was being serious. I just rolled my eyes and started looking for pyjamas.
"Alright fine, you don't have to believe me. Just know that, somehow, if it is even possible, hearing you sing made me love you even more." My back was turned to him as I was looking through a drawer. That was a sweet thing for him to say. I turned around with a smile and he was already walking towards me. He brought me into another hug and kissed the top of my head.
"And even if you were a bad singer, I would still love you just as much."

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