Prima Donna

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Opera Populaire

The nurse/nun and the liveried chauffeur assist the frail Raoul back into his elegant car. As the nurse and driver are seated, Raoul looks up to see Madame Giry leaving the theatre. As his car moves away slowly, they both turn to each other – two old friends that have shared many dark secrets – who know they will probably never see each other again. With great effort, Raoul makes a chivalrous gesture, raising his silk top hat and places it over his heart.

Madame Giry is moved, and does a tiny, elegant curtsy. Raoul leaving his hat, rests back in the expensive leather seat. His mind once again fills with haunted dreams of the past, as he looks in the side mirror, the old, scarred theatre disappearing in the distance as he recalls the days of his youth...


Opera Populaire

It was early morning, and they had been gone a long time or so it appeared. Could they have been gone the whole day? Slowly, Christine, the ponies, and Spike walk through the door, pulling it open. Unknown to the motley crew, Monsieur's Andre and Firmin, Madame Giry, and Meg had been looking for Christine... To be precise, Andre and Firmin had been panicking over the loss of their new star. As they stepped along the corridor, they heard a gasp. Down the hall, young Meg Giry stood there in awe seeing Christine and her friends.

"Meg!" Twilight called.

"Twilight! Christine!" Meg cried out.

The ballet girl ran down the hall, tightly embracing Christine, as the two friends cry.

"Thank God, you're all right!" Meg spoke, staring at her friends. "What happened to all of you?"

The ponies turned to each other, uncertain of what to say. The things they've seen, what they've encountered, and a world completely different from what they've seen since being here... It was too unbelievable to be true.

"Honestly, ya wouldn't believe us even if told you," Applejack replied, honestly.

"It's okay, you can tell me anything," Meg assured. "You can trust me."

Christine glanced around side to side, as if making sure someone wasn't listening.

"Not here," Christine said, grabbing Meg's arms. "Come on!"

Meg followed Christine, with the ponies and Spike following close behind. They made their way towards the girls dressing room. They shut the door behind them but taking precautions Spike leans against the mirror tapping the glass with his knuckles.

"What on Earth are you doing?" Meg asked, inquisitively.

"Can't be too careful," Spike replied, stepping back.

"I'm pretty sure it's safe for us to talk, Spike," Twilight assured.

"Well, we better," Rainbow spoke. "Last thing we want is any more surprises."

"Girls, what are you talking about?" Meg asked, again.

"Okay, to make a long story short," Twilight began, taking a deep breath. "We saw the Opera Ghost."

Meg's eye went wide the moment Twilight answered her question. All the other ponies and Spike nodded in agreement, especially Rarity.

"You actually saw him?" Meg asked. "What was he like? Where did he take you? Did he try to hurt you?"

"Well, you see—"

"We didn't actually get a good look at him," Rarity interrupted.

All the ponies, Spike especially, turned toward their friend in surprise that Rarity would deny actually having seen the ghost, Christine especially. After all, they were there that night, they saw what he was like... And Rarity was actually denying it.

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