Author's Note

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Yes, I just updated new chapters for ya'll. I decided that since I have so much time now because of the pandemic, I figured what better way to spend my time than to make more new stories. If you'll are a manga reader like me, the series is already at its final arc. I've been in this fandom ever since I started High School. I even waited for the original release date of the first episode of the anime and refrained from reading the manga because I wanted to finish one season without spoiling myself. But even though you know what's going to happen, watching it was a whole new experience. 

I had an "on again" / "off again" relationship with this series, but the Haikyuu series really became near to my heart. I won't be sentimental yet, but I will try to make new stories for all of the characters before the series officially ends in the manga. I hope you can see my progress from how I wrote fanfics and how I write them now. 

Anyways, with the ongoing crisis that's happening right now, I hope that all of you are safe and are taking care of yourselves. I hope you'll are doing fine. Thank you for the support! 

Lots of love!


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