We all had a past

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Jack and June had been paired up for a night patrol that morning and were walking around town to make sure no monsters would take the treehouse or Jos,s pizza in the night

It was about 1 am and thay when making their fourth lap around the town when June said 

''Do you ever worry''

Jack looked at June and said 

''Not really, I don't really have anything to worry about besides you guys. But you can take care of your selves''

It was through Jack didn't have anyone to really worry about he never got to attach to someone because it was pointless if you were going to be moving in with different people in a few months anyway.

''What about your family?''

Jack suddenly skidded to a halt ''You don't know?''

''Know what?'' What does she not know all of a sudden?

''You don't know....'' He repeated.

''well, not that many people know so it wouldn't be surprising but shes the leader of the school newspaper'' He stated pacing in circles.

'What if she thought differently about him what if she stopped being friends white him and tells the other and leaves ya Quint already know but. God, he can't be alone again, not again, not again, noT AGAI-'

''JACK!?'' That snapped him out of his thoughts.

'He turned to look at June, she had a face full of worry.

He himself realized that he was just standing there and probably giving Junea heart attack'

June was in her one thoughts of worry 'Was it something she said' Jack was having a Minny panic stack right in front of her for seeing or no resin.

suddenly jack snapped out of his thoughts and running on adrenalin and panic and seeing that he made June that worried made him even more panicked.

''Sorrysorrysorrysorrysorrysorrysorrysorry....'' he started frantically saying while slowly backing up.

He didn't want a rerun of what happened when he rose at his last foster houses.

''Jack lisne it's fine and there's nothing to be sorry about'' His behavior is really starting to worry her.

''deep breaths like this, copy me''

''in out in out in out in out...'' Just when his head starting to calm sown they both hear an inhuman shriek coming from the street next to them.

To be continued dun dUN DUN. thank you to whoever is reading, this is my first ever Last Kids on Earth fanfic there will be more coming soon. This was originally meant to be a one-shot but o well.

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