Chapter 6

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(A/n: here's a Yandere enterprise)

After destroying all of the siren ships and killing purifier (kinda), now Y/n is helping the others

3rd pov

Y/n: you girls ok?

Cleveland: nothing to biggie

Belfast: just minor injuries

Enterprise: still combat capable

Hood: thank you for your concern Y/n

Prinz: Ara are you worry about us Y/n?

Wales: please Eugen don't tease Y/n after what happen

Y/n: it's ok Wales, we should go to the base get you all repaired and I will report what happen

The girls: Hai

Y/n: let's go

(Timeskip brought you by chibi author crying for not getting chibi Jean bart)

They reach the base and saw the commander waiting for them

Y/n pov

Y/n:(mind) I hope the commander will not get mad

Y/n docks ships along with the other and getting instant repairs

Emily: Y/n what happen?!

Y/n: ok I will tell you in your office

Emily: ok, is everyone ok?

Girls: Hai

Emily: ok good go and take a good rest

The girls nods and go separated ways then the commander and Y/n went to the commander's office

Emily: Y/n what happen?

I explain what happen, the commander was shock I took down a whole siren fleet and killed a siren named purifier(kinda) by myself

Emily: Y/n your god damn powerful for this world but I'm grateful for helping us

Y/n: it's no problem but I have something important to tell you commander

Emily: what is it?

Y/n: there's a ship from my world

Emily: what do you mean by that?

Y/n: I will explain


3rd pov

Y/n:(mind) At the bottom of the ocean, the depths of the abyss
They are bound by iron and blood
The flagship of the navy, the terror on the seas
His guns have gone silent at last

Then someone is trying to contact him in his bridge

Y/n: what the?

Then he push a button that accept the call

Y/n: who am I speaking to

???: Its been awhile Y/n

Y/n: who are you? How did you know my name?

???: Ouch that hurts you don't remember your first partner in the joint operations exercises

Y/n: ######## how are you but how did you get here?

???: I'm good and the same way you did

Y/n: ok where are you now?

???: 600km up north

Y/n: ok I will give the location of the base I'm on and if my calculations are correct you will arrive tomorrow

???: Always the smart one huh

Y/n: of course, oh also your mother is there

???: Really?! Can't wait see you darling

Y/n: hahaha no

???: Your no fun

Y/n: bye

???: Bye

Flashback ends

(A/n: Y/n didn't say darling while in his flashback just to make the commander shock)

Emily: so your first partner huh?

Y/n: no it's not like that

Emily: I'm just messing you

Y/n: I think I should head back to my dorm

Emily: alright night

Y/n: oh also can you get Bismarck and tirpitz on the docks with us tomorrow to meet the new ship

Emily: done

Y/n: night commander

Y/n heads back to his dorm and sleeps

(Timeskip brought you by chibi author liking chibi Yandere enterprise)

3rd pov

It's the next day and Y/n, Bismarck,tirpitz and the commander are waiting on the docks for the new ship then a mist came appeared then they heard music?

Bismarck: umm commander where is that music coming from

Tirpitz: where did the mist came from

Emily: I don't know Y/n you know where the music and the mist came from

Y/n:(smirks) you always know how to make entrances Bis

The girls: what?

Then a battlecarrier came out of the mist and they saw a woman that looks like Bismarck

???: Y/n darling!!!

The girls: D-D-DARLING?!

Music ends and the mist disappeared

The woman docks her ship next to Y/n's ship and jump down in front of the four people

???: Y/n darling I miss you

The woman hugs and Y/n hugs back after a while they end the hug

Y/n: yeah yeah miss you too

Emily: Y/n who is she?

Bismarck: why does she look like me?

Tirpitz: why did you say "you always know how to make entrances bis"

Y/n: I will explain in the office later but introduce yourself bis

???: Hello there my name is Bismarck of the Bismarck class battlecarriers *notices Bismarck* hello mother

The girls: EHHHHHHH?!!?!?

Y/n: yes Bismarck she's your daughter

The girls: D-D-DAUGHTER?!?!

Author: that's where I stop, sorry if it's short I have alot things to do and here enjoy a smol kaga

Author: that's where I stop, sorry if it's short I have alot things to do and here enjoy a smol kaga

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