The News

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I wake up in my dorm room still wearing my white dress. Looking at the time, it's almost time for the night class to start class. The last thing I remember about the dance is Zero carrying me put when it was over and I guess I fell asleep.

I stand up out of the bed and see Zero sitting in a chair in the corner of the room. I smile. He looks so peaceful in his sleep. I never thought that he could look peaceful. Guess I have been proven wrong.

Quickly but silently, I walk over to the chair that he is in and lightly touch his nose. He stirs a bit but doesn't wake up.

He might get mad if I do this prank on him, but it would totally be worth it.

I run out of the room making sure that I don't have the heels on and look in my medicine cabinet. I look through and I find what I was looking for. A feather that I found outside,

And my bottle of lavender shaving cream.

I run to the chair that Zero is in and am suprised to see he is still asleep. I shake the bottle of shaving cream and turn his hand up. Spraying the can wasn't as loud as I thought it would be.

Zero stirs a bit but is still asleep. I have it mounded high and I set the bottle down, getting the feather ready.

I tickle his nose and watch his hand move. But it doesn't move the way I wanted it to.

Zero's hand goes right to my face and smears the shaving cream on me. He has a huge grin as I gasp at all the shaving cream covering my face.

Zero starts to laugh. "My plan total backfired!" I call out. But it's not over yet.

I bring my hands up to my face and grab some of the shaving cream. Zero is so caught up in his laughter that he has no idea what is coming to him.

Quickly, I smear it all over his face and have a huge grin as he spit some of it out.

It is completely silent between us until we both end up cackling in laughter. Zero stands up and picks me up. He's been doing that a lot lately.

He takes me to the bathroom and sets me down on the floor in front of the sink. I turn on the water and start splashing it on my face, getting rid of all the shaving cream. I dry my face off as Zero gets rid of all the shaving cream on his face too.

He turns off the water and takes the towel from me to dry his face. "Zero, weren't you supposed to be in class today? You missed a whole day of school!" I stare at him as he turns to face me. "Well, I was recently transfered to the night class since I am a vampire and all."

I stare at Zero, shocked about what he just said. I break out into a grin as I try to imagine Zero in a white uniform instead of a black. I just can't see him in that color.

"What is making you so happy?" Zero asks. He puts his hands on your hips and brings you closer to him. You wrap your arms around his neck. "I'm trying to imagine you in white, but I can't make a clear image in my mind." I reply.

He chuckles a bit and leans down. I get on the tips of my toes and meet him halfway. Our lips collide with each other as we enjoy the moment.

I pull away and just realize something. "Um... when will we tell Headmaster and Kaname about the engagement?" I ask Zero. He thinks for a couple of seconds.

"Let's tell them after the classes are over." He replied. I nod and get dressed in my white uniform while Zero changes in the bathroom.

I wait on the bed for Zero to finnish changing. When he comes out, I gasp.

White is totally his color.

White brings out the silver in his hair and makes his eye color more piercing than ever. The way he looks right now, he could star in a movie right now if he wanted to.

"Shall we go?" Zero asks. I give him a smile and nod. We walk out of the dorm and into the courtyard, where the other night class vampires stand waiting for the gates to open.

Hand in hand, Zero and I make our way to the front of the group where Kaname is standing. He gives a slight smile. "Hello Yuki. How was the dance last night?" Kaname asked.

"The dance was better than I expected! I never thought that something during school could be so much fun!" I reply.

He smiles and we stand still as we wait for the gates to open.

A couple of minutes later, the gate opens and I see all of the fangirls trying to push their way past the new disciplinary comittee members. There are two boys and about five girls in the diciplinary comittee. They all try and keep the men and women from getting to us. Sweat rolls down their faces as they push harder and harder against the fangirls and fanboys.

I'm glad Headmaster found more humans he could trust with the secret of vampires. Because of them, we can keep the secret of the Night Class from the Day Class and vampires can live in harmony with the humans. But, there is one thing I want to say about it.

I don't think I will ever miss that job.

All of the night class students walk through the gate and we head to class.

Yuki and Zero ForeverWhere stories live. Discover now