The Offer

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All extremes of feeling are allied with madness.

Virginia Woolf, Orlando

Victoria POV

I left the apartment earlier today, what sounds super weird coming from me because I'm not a morning person, so it looks like I fell off the bed haha. Buuuuttt I have an excuse, I needed to come to the market and buy some things, 'cause tonight the most cute guy of the country is coming to my place to help me study for my test. He offered and I couldn't deny.


I'm walking to the bookstore three blocks away from my building, I need some books to study for my test, and the teacher gave us list of titles, and to be honest, I hope I can find them here because, even if I'm loving my career, there are some terminologies that aren't easy and need to be processed by my brain, so it's better for me start studying now, because it's the final test and I need to approve with good record.

I enter the store and the smell of books and coffee hit my nose, making me close my eyes and enjoy it for a moment, before heading to my mission of find what I need.

I walk forward passing through desks, pile of books, a few people reading or writing and bookshelf. When I'm about to reach my section, the little bell of the door sounds announcing somebody got in, and I'm too curious so I turn my head to see who is he or she.

- Wow, I think the heaven sent an angel to the earth -I say in a whisper with my eyes glued to the cute guy.

I couldn't help but my eyes can't look away from him,he noticed and is staring straight in my eyes with his cheeks a blush a little, making me blush hard and look down with a little smile on it. I up my face again and start walking to last steps to finally go and look for the books I need, this time without distractions.

I stand and check the list, the first book title is "Forense Psychology VI", I look up passing my finger through books.

- No, no, no, no...

- I think you're searching for this -someone say behind me what make me jump- Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you.

- Oh, it's ok. -I turn around and, oh god, it's the cute guy with a cute smile, and I can't stop my cheeks from becoming pink- Me... I... I mean, thanks -I smile back shy.

- It's nothing. I see you have a list, maybe... Maybe I can help you... With -he tells me.

- Don't worry, I'm sure you're busy and I'm just searching the books to study for my test -I talk too fast for the nervous, what make him laugh.

- it's ok, I just came for coffee -he put his coffee up for me to see it- before go to work, and I still have a couple of hours -he smile shy. If he keep smiling like that I'm gonna die- Can I check the rest of your list? -he ask and I hand it to him- I know this books, I read it before.

- Really? -I ask with emotion, maybe he likes or study the same as me, he doesn't look so far from my age.

- Yes, and actually this book..., -he points a name in the paper- they don't have it here but I have it, I can borrow to you -my smile grows.

- Thanks so much, you don't have it -I say.

- it's nothing. So, are you preparing to be a criminologist? -he ask while start taking the books, moving here and there with me following behind.

- YES! -I say enthusiast- I wanna become a profiler and, if I'm lucky enough work for the FBI in the Behavioural Analysis Unite.

- That's sounds amazing! -he look at me- We'll be partners then -he smile.

- What? -my eyes open wide- You work there? -he laugh nodding- OMG you are profiler -I say exciting like a 5 years old and a little bit too loud.

- I can imagine you're close to your last year, I can tell for the books you're going to read -I nod.

- Yeah, I'm close but there are some terminologies that are hard for me and some themes, this is my final before spring break and I don't know if pass, the teacher is a difficult one -I tell him worry.

- Well, if you want, I can help you -he offer.

- Really? Are you sure? Aren't you kidding me, are you? -I ask looking at his eyes with hopes in mines, and he laugh.

- No, I'm not kidding -he deny- I'll help you. When is your exam? -he ask.

- 1 month

- Fine, we have time. We can star tomorrow if you want -he say.

- Cool. Here -I gave him my phone to him so he can put his number. When he hand it back to me I see his name for the first time and before I start daydreaming, I send a message to him with my address and name on it, he watch and smile- Thanks so much again, Spencer.

- Your welcome, Victoria -he give me the books- Sorry, but I have to get going. See you tomorrow -he wave his hand while he goes.

- I can't wait for it -I smile like an idiot.

Finished flashback

It's 2 week from that, since that day he came to place every two days, (of course when he's so busy or too tired I tell him that it's better for him to go and rest, he heist sometimes but I end convincing him) and we started to know each other, so now I know, that Spencer is a genius and I never get bored hearing all he knows, he's always saying facts of everything and...

- Are you gonna pay or what? You're making line -the worker say irritate, dragging me back to earth.

- Oh, sorry -I smile apologetic, I give the money and leave the market.

I bought some candies and chocolate, and some chips for tonight, and coffee too because we ended the other last time.

I open the door of my apartment closing it behind, then going directly to the kitchen to put the bags. I take out everything from the bags and start organising, I want to get all ready to when he comes.

Few a hours later

I'm ready, I took a shower and dressed in a nice cloth, I want to look pretty for him, but not like I worked too much. I already set the books and chips on the desk in front the couch and that's it. Now I just have to wait for him to come.

He's probably in his way to get here, the clock say 8:30 pm.

I been sitting and waiting for 3 hours already. First I thought he was busy but I don't know, he's never this late and when he can't come always send me a message at least. I called him 6 times and nothing, I won't call anymore.

I feel... He won't come. I better go to sleep. I don't even bother to pick up the things on the table, I want my bed and good sleep.

I'll Risk Anything For You (Spencer Reid)Where stories live. Discover now