It's Over

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Victoria POV

I open my eyes, the headache is heavy. The bright light make me close my eyes again.

- Finally you wake up -someone says.

- Where am I? -I ask with raspy voice.

- So far away from your dreamed life, bitch -she hit me hard, the chair where I'm tied up fall, making me gasp in pain- You're going to pay for what you did.

- They'll find me... You'll be in the jail the rest of your life -I say struggling  breath. She laughs out loud.

-  Stupid girl, you been here for 3 days - I got shocked. I hear steps coming- Someone special is here.

- Did you think you get over of me that soon? -Cat stand on the door frame- We're gonna have so much fun and get some unfinished business done.

It's 5 days since I'm here, just two more days to be a week. I know because they keep remaining me. I keep my hopes up, I know the team will come for me. I won't give up.

I'm thirsty and hungry. Tired and in pain. They beat the shit out of me. They say they want revenge because I messed with their loves, that I have to pay for everything I done. I... I just want to go home.

- Hey, little bitch -Cat appears in the door coming closer- Ugh, you smell like a fish -she made a disgusting face- So it's good for you that I'm here to shower you -the malicious smile send shivers down my spine.

Cat take me from the t-shirt pulling it hard enough to break the fabric. I feel expose, vulnerable, the cool air from the little open window don't make it easier neither. She grab a container filled with water dropping it over me.

- Agh -the water is cool as fuck, i start shivering so much, i can't control it.

- That's good. Now you look like a wet rat -she laughs- Well, that's all -the woman walk to the door but stop turning around- I forgot something -she steps closer again giving me a punch in the face sending me to the ground along with the chair I'm tied up. Cat laughs again leaving me crying in silence, in the cool wet floor.

- Spence, come soon, please -with that I passed out.

Spencer POV

This days had been desperation with pressure. I can't believe we didn't find anything yet. The best profilers and we can't find where they could take her.

I... I can't stand to the thought of losing her. Not her too. I'm trying my best to keep my head here to help, we need to find a clue. I been working non stop.

- Someone found a body near the river in Prince William Forest Park -Tara informs me making all the color leave my face- We have to go.

- Do you know... who... Who the body belongs? -I ask trying to keep calm.

- We don't know yet -she answers. And I start praying that isn't Victoria.

When we arrive to the place, I rush to go first and see the body. I look the officers around and one take me where they found it. Once I'm there, I sight in relief closing my eyes. It's not my girl, but seems a lot like her.

- Tara, it's not her. But looks like her -she sighs too responding with a little half smile.

- We'll find her, Reid -she path my shoulder.

- The girl had this in her hand -one of the officers say heading it to me.

- Thanks -I open the note to read- "Looks like your dear girl, huh? The next can be her. Now go to the BAU, the Christmas gift came earlier"

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