kagehina- Marks

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3rd POV

Marks. They always were on Hinata's body, usually out of sight. Who made them? The genius first year, Kageyama Tobio. Usually they were good about their sex life and not making obvious, but once in a while Hinata would come to school with a hickey or bite mark on his neck, sometimes jaw. But sometimes Kageyama couldn't keep their rule. No marks out side of uniforms, basically hinata has to be able to wear his volleyball uniform without anyone seeing. But this time was different.

Hinata had invited Kageyama to hangout because he was bored and lonely, his mother and sister decided to take a girl's weekend and go up to a hot spring, he was an extrovert. He needs attention. So with that knowledge Kageyama decided to take Hinata to the park for a little date, though to everyone else it was a hangout. So when a girl from their school approached it wasn't weird. She had tried flirting with hinata, yeah Hinata. Kageyama definitely got confessions or people flirting, but in the first couple months girls realized he was off limits.

"Hey, Hinata. I didn't know you lived around here?" The girl was clearly hinting something but with Hinata being dense, and his feelings focused on volleyball and a certain blueberry, it flew over his head.

"Yeah, me and Kageyama always hangout here." Their conversation continued and the taller of the boys stood awkwardly next to Hinata, borderline hovering. He didn't like that his boyfriend was being flirted with, Hinata was his and hed be damned if he didn't show it later on.

"So how about we go grab a bite? And maybe hangout back at my place." She was now hugging Hinata's arm and showing off her breast by leaning forward a bit. Nope. Kageyama was quick to detach the wild boar and drag Hinata back to the house.

Let's just say marks were all over Hinata, all up his arms, legs, shoulders, torso, and neck. There was no hiding it. But the ones he worried about the most was the ones on his wrist and hips, yes Kageyama broke out the cuffs. He walked around school and all eyes were on him, luckily practice wasn't until after school. While walking, well more like limping. Maybe hopping, either way he was getting around school. He came across the girl from the park, she was the reason he was like this. It was her fault for flirting and setting off Kageyama. "Whoa, what happened to you?" He death stared the girl. "Someone got jealous that a girl was flirting with me." He said while eyeing the girl, making it clear she was the cause of his discomfort.

In the classroom his teachers had to do a double take, and his classmates laughed their asses off and the shrimps problem. He also got comments. Some were very crude, and the whole class agreed it was a guys doing given the fact Hinata blushed, even more, when someone made a joke about him being bottom.

But that wasn't the worst, he was intentionally late to practice so he could change alone, and he knew rumors had gotten it's way to the others on the team cause his phone was blown up by lunch time asking what class he was in. Luckily Tsukishima didn't care, Yamaguci was too nice, and Kageyama wasn't on so no one found out. But he was immediately surrounded when he entered the gym, Noya and Tanaka being front and center ofcourse. At this point Hinata wanted to collapse, from embarrassment and exhaustion. "So Hinata boy or girl?" He mumbled out responses and made his way to a certain setter. "What do you wa-" Hinata being drowsy and done with everything climbed on his back a koala-ed him.

"Kags I'm done with questions you answer." His voice being some what muffled whit his face buried in the crook of his neck. "Why me, and no nick names, boke." The whole team was gawking at the exchange, could the see the coming? Probably. Did they guess? No. "You caused it, you deal with is."

Before Kageyama could open his mouth and retaliate Hinata spoke. "Your the one who was jealous because some girl decided to flirt with me. You could've just yelled at her but nope, you had to quote on quote 'fuck me into the mattress' so answer their questions." And Hinata had dosed off leaving his teammates, minus Tsukishima, curious and a blushing blueberry boyfriend.

Bonus -when changing out of uniforms to go home-

Hinata was taking off his shirt and ofcourse the two obnoxious 2nd years spoke up. "Damn. How are you still walking Hinata?" They saw more marks but they were referring to his hips. Two Kageyama sized bruises were there.

They immediately whipped their heads to Kageyama to see.....

Nothing, he had no bites or scratches. "How?" Kags being one of the oblivious crows, just not has bad as Hinata, was confused. They pointed between the two and he still didn't connect the lines. "Look at his wrists." Suga piped up exasperated by the duo's shanagins. Low and behold, a red line went around his wrist. All the others people gained from this was that Hinata had someone and they will never look at either Hinata or Kageyama the same again.

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