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We saw that Gye was obsessing over a cat

"Awww he is so cute"

"Can I pet him"

"he is so little...!"

Soon after.. Je Je got involved too...she was obsessing over my pet

"Why is she so cute!"

"What breed was this adorable little furball"

"Can she bite?"

It was obvious that Jeom was getting sick of our shenanigans so he kicked us out...I can't say I blame him

Jimin POV

I couldn't get her image out of my mind and it was affecting my movements..especially in the choreography and it didnt help that we were supposed to learn the routine soon

As it was break.. Jhope asked me if I was doing Ok

"Jiminsii are you okay? You kept hitting almost every move wrong?"

"Yahh! You don't need to remind me!"

"So you knew?"...I saw Jin turning to our direction to pass us our water

"Yea..I just need to focus on it" I smile weakly


When we left I Needed to figure out what to name this cutie

Rinne ?"

As I said that...the pup started to jump around and leap onto my lap

"Well..Ginger Rinne we need to buy all the equipment for you.."

I need to change..I was just in a sickly environment so I dont want to spread Jeoms Germs

I didnt feel like doing my hair since I was shopping so I try to make it look neat as possible

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I didnt feel like doing my hair since I was shopping so I try to make it look neat as possible

I went to the local Petsmart and wrote down all I needed





5.pet bed

6. Flea collar

After buying all the items I need I realize how expensive it was

"Would you like that in a bag?" The cashier asked

"No no...its fine"

I tip them 10$ and leave

While in the car I saw Gye in formal wear

So I drove to her

"Whatcha here for?" She asked me

"Buying stuff for my little one.." I reply

"Je Je set me up on a blind date with her cousin..so yeah"

"Why the heck are you wearing formal wear in the shopping centre district"

"I don't know..the guy said hed meet at the bank...so I'm here"

"Well..bye..good luck at your date"

The First Time You Saw Me P.J.MWhere stories live. Discover now