The Last Piece of Lasagna

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"Oh yes!!" Garfeild exclaimed "Yet another delicious dish John my compliments to she cheff" John refusing to look at his furry friend wipes tears from his face as he puts empty cans in the trash "Might I ask what's for dessert?" John's face turned grim as he turned away from Garfield before falling to his knees in anguish "I...I am afraid...there wont be any desert tonight Garfield.." John murmured barely holding back his tears. Garfeild sets down his fork and stands to console his life long friend. Noticing a faint glow from the trash Garfield finds it near impossible to stand himself. His vision begins to haze and vision go black as he reads written amongst the freshly discarded cans "Pesticide"

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2020 ⏰

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