Chapter 24

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Miami's POV

He Kissed me.... Tray White KISSED me. On my lips. His lips against mine was just.. Perfect !! 24 hours ago Tray kissed me !! It was Saturday &  I was laying in my bed still thinking about the kiss. I want another one,. His touch. Made me tingle. Guh what this boy does to me !!!

I get up & shuffle into the bathroom to do my morning routine. I brush my teeth, wash my face & brush my hair into a bun with my bang down. I put lotion on my face & carmex on my lips (that tray kissed !!!)

I was getting ready to go downstairs & somewhat interact with my family , when my phone rang. I picked up without looking at the caller I.D. " yello ?"

"Uh. Heyy..  "

"Oh hey tray. Wassup?" I say Tryna keep my coo even tho I wanted to tell him how amazing the kiss was & how I wanted to grab his lips & kiss em over & over.

"Just wondering what you doing today. " he says smoothly. Iknow he wants some of this Miamii baybieee. " Um. After I ate breakfast , I was going to work out. U can come too, if u want. Just meet me at Miami beach , by the oasis & we can jog around or w.e" I say walking out my room & down the hall.

"Alright. Bye ma" Then he hung up. Ma ??? Awh shii !! I smirk to myself & head down the stairs into the kitchen. My ma was cooking while the kids played in The cabinets ,making loud noises & making the kitchen a mess. She really looked like she was struggling.

"Hey. Y'all wanna go watch cartoons in my room ?" I ask sweetly. They would do anything with me, they absolutely adore me. They jump up , yelling yes & run to hug me. " okay. Only till breakfast is ready tho" I say & they take off towards the stairs.

I pick up what they was playing with & put it back in Its place. "Thank you so much!" My ma says smiling & wiping sweat off her face. I smile & nod giving her a side hug before heading back upstairs. I really love that woman.


After eating breakfast, I lay down for like 20 minutes , before getting up to get ready. I text tray telling him I was getting ready now & to be there by 11:30. I then hop in the shower.

30 minutes later I was surprisingly ready to go. (Outfit in media) I put my phone & carmex in my bra & my keys around my neck. I leave out using the front door, letting my momma knowing I was leaving. Then I walk to the beach , which was 5 minutes away.

I walk up to the oasis & see Tray sitting there & some girl throwing herself all over him. I walk up & look the girl up & down then roll my eyes. She a amateur. "Ohh. This the girl u turning me Down for ? What happened to yo babym-"

"Bye, aleeyah. " tray says through clenched teeth. He gets up, grabs my hand & we walk away towards the sidewalk. Was she bout to say baby mommma ??? No... Somebody would of told me of he DID have a baby. Right ? She prolly was going to say baby & added another syllable or sum....

" sorry about her" Tray says scratching the back of his neck. Did I mention he was looking sexy AF ?? He had on a,white tee, black basketball shorts & some kind of sports shoes I definitely should of got. His Tee made his muscles & tattoos pop out even more. Oowieeee.

"It's okay " I say laughing slightly. The light fall breeze blew past us as we walked in silence. It was a pretty, cool, & quiet day. Especially by the beach. I felt like I was in a movie, walking down the boardwalk, holding hands with Tray , my highschool crush for 4 years.

" so. Do u only like me for my looks. I think so... " I say thinking how strange it was he all of a sudden wanted me when I turned sexy looking & all. Mhmmm. .. He ain't slick.

"No. " was all he said before dropping my hand. Well damn. I stayed quiet, not wanting to spark controversy with Tray & whatever he was going through when I asked that question.

"I always wanted you, Since I first saw u in the halls on like the 1st week of school as a freshman. " he starts Ranting. " but it seemed like I couldn't get to you.. First I couldn't cause I went with Rissa. But I told Kalil If I found you & got to talk to you , Rissa would b a thing in a past. But everyday , I could never find you & those days me & Rissa got closer & more popular. Soon we were the captain of teams. Me football &basketball. Her cheer & volleyball. The day I did find you , you looked so hurt .. Like fragile. On the outside & inside but I could see in your eyes you had hope. Then I looked at you more closely. I'm sorry but you were pretty & all but Dumping Rissa for you was dumb. I mean Rissa had the beauty,brains,fame & money & she matched up perfectly with Me. I was living my h.s dreams at that point & I couldn't throw it all away.... Yanoe ?? Then over the years , Rissa just lost herself... Our relationship looked oh so cute but it wasn't.  I went through so much with her. She slept around with exes, Came onto Kalil , & was just a mess. When she cheated with jamel that was my time to cut her off. But after I did & found you , I knew I had to get you. But Rissa always seemed to get back to me. I would fall into Her trance all over again. Yeah, we smashed like 3 times until I stated having hard feelings for u so I stopped..... "

By this time we were far from the beach & walking on a busy street. I was amazed at all the stuff he told me & was silent for about 5 minutes after. Until I started ranting.

"Tray I liked you ever since I landed eyes on yo sexy ass..-me & tray laugh before I continue- but fr. The first day for me was horrible. I walked In there with my 2 best friends. Winter & Jamel...-"

"they were your best friends ?????!!" Tray says amazed cutting me off. I nod sadly & continue. " Jamel was my boyfriend. But he cheated... Winter found a new group of friends . I got tormented at least 2wice a week &  my trust for everybody but my cousin terry was fucked up. End of story....."

A single tear rolled down my Face but I quickly wipe it away before tray could see it. Too late. He embraced me in a tight hug , hands lower than expected O.o. " I'm sorry I didn't come find you & make you apart of our clique. Im sorry" he whispers in my ear.

I stay quiet & enjoy the feeling of his arms wrapped around me & the smell of his cologne. We eventually stop hugging & continue walking when I notice we were in a quiet neighborhood with big, pretty brick houses. "Where are we?" I asked looking around.

He smirks & take my hand. "My house !" He says walking up to the biggest house on the block. We walk up some stairs & stop in front of a door. "Um Miami?" He asks facing me.

"Yes ?" I ask looking back. All of a sudden he kisses me again, pulling me towards him by my waist. He breaks the kiss & looks back into my eyes.

" will you be my 10-16-14???"

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