Part 13

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When Isabel woke up I hadn't even realized it, that was how fast it happened. Simon didn't believe us before but now he seemed to be hesitating on denying it even further. Her eyes had already turned back to her natural blue which was weird, most vampires eyes didn't do that...Or was her body fighting it off? No...I had seen her eyes turn purple and red. I moved on the back of the couch and sat beside her while Simon silently stared at me, Kat, and Isabel. I looked at Isabel who's eyes were darker than earlier, she looked so...Distant suddenly. She was probably trying to take in what she was feeling, changing didn't feel natural at all but it was possible her blood was trying to fight it off so I made her look at me, usually the blood craving didn't set in until the full changed happened.

Simon: "Izzy. Are you feeling okay?"

He came to her, touching her knee and sitting on his own. She looked at him and he smiled but I realized it faster, having to pull him away with my speed and getting between them, catching her wrist when she tried to attack him. As her sire I could stop her so I did.  

Avalina: "Still yourself. Don't move a single muscle towards the boy."

Her entire being stopped moving and she tried to fight it but I was to fast to get in front of her, touching her cheek and other hand on her hip. Her eyes were flashing between blue and red and I could SEE the pain in her eyes.

Avalina: "Get him out of here Kat. She'll break of the command sooner or later."

Kat went to move but Simon stopped her.

 Simon: "No. I'll stay. I can take whatever she'll try to do to me. She's my family...So I believe she'd never hurt me."

Her eyes flashed and she moaned in pain trying to fight my command.

Kat: "It's not wise to be the only human with a newly turned vampire."

I couldn't see them behind me but I could tell he wasn't budging. He trusted her with all of himself and se was fighting herself. Trust goes a long way when you know someones secret but don't mind it. That was honest and pure friendship.

Isabel: "S-Simon...Run....I sm-smell it....hear it."

She shook to get out of my grasp so I let my fangs go to my lip and pushed it into my lip, letting the blood build a little before I kissed her lightly, pulling her by the waist closer. She grabbed my sides and kissed me deeper. I winced lightly when my back hit a wall with a lot of force but she wouldn't stop the kiss so I held her there. 

Kat: "This just went hot and heavy."

I winced when her hands dug into my skin, the pain shooting so I took a chance to stop her but putting my hand in between our hips. Her eyes were turning back to blue slowly and she fell limp into my body so I grabbed her lower back and went to my knees with her body.

Simon: "What happened to her?!"

He rushed to his knees in front of her as she passed out and Kat did too.

Kat: "She took blood from her sire. It wears a vampire's body down, mainly a new one. After a first few times she'll learn to handle the smell of human blood if she wants to and it wont knock her out."

I took her to her bed and laid her down, covering her up with her blanket before going back to them where Simon sat on the couch. Kat sat in her original spot. 

Simon: "I'm uh...Not sure how to react to this."

I nodded and sat on the opposite side of the couch of him, knowing he was jumpy.

Avalina: "I know it's new. She knew about it all before this all happened but for some reason she didn't get scared away. You have the choice to leave now and I can erase your memory of ever knowing about this day....Or you can remain with her and us....Like she did."

He nodded and twisted his ring.

Simon: "I want to see her but I know right now she can't do this with a human like me right now. She can't exactly handle the smell as she demonstrated. Kat...Uh...Call me when she's a little more...Okay to handle it. I'll handle the school business and everything else. Just- Don't hurt her. I know you won't but please...Be careful."

I nodded and watched both him and Kat leave while I went to Isabel. She moaned when waking up and I grabbed her hands very softly.

Avalina: "Hey baby. You feel any better?"

She smiled lightly and I noticed her eyes were even more blue than before. I smiled and kissed her forehead, trying to sooth the pain I knew she was in away, even just a little.

Isabel: "How...Is Simon?"

I laid next to her and kissed he neck lightly, knowing she probably didn't remember attacking him and probably wanted to see him so I needed to let her know for now that wasn't safe.

Avalina: "Babe. You need to worry about yourself first. You were just turned into a vampire and it seems your body is trying to fight it off. For now rest, get some sleep before you start thinking big like seeing him."

She looked a bit confused but nodded and inhaled lightly.

Isabel: "How did he react to it? Did...I try to hurt him?! Did I-"

I made her look me in the eyes so she didn't start to have a panic attack. For a newly turned vampire she seemed to be taking it well....I mean about as well as she really COULD handle it. Then again, when her cravings kicked in Kat would have to teach her self control over it. Enough for her to be near humans again.

Avalina: "He's okay. You did try to attack him but you didn't and it was only because you smelled his blood and he's a human so you were weaker to it. Don't worry though, he's okay. Kat and I stopped you. He made me promise to help you. Don't worry baby girl. He loves you enough to make sure you're safe."

She nodded lightly and curled to my chest...I could sense the band her and I shared now and felt more protective of it....I wondered if that was how my brother felt every time he sired someone.

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