Just one of the guys!

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My life was heavy and filled with dread.
I met people that lifted me up and when my guard went down, threw me hard and broke me down.

I met some of these people in school, met some in college.
When I was fixing to graduate my entire heart broke and pain followed I never felt before.

As I graduated and found my job, again I was built up just to be broke down again...
I left and found the place I am at now. A place I'm the happiest!!

I'm loved here and treated equally!
I would love to never leave this place that I have deemed my second home!!
At this place...I'm just one of the guys!

I got back into gaming and discovered friends on discord.
Some, yet again, that lifted me up just to bring me back down.

But then I found another group. A group of people that I have come to call friends.
They're there when I'm down and try to lift me up in they're own way.

I let go of the hurt, of the heartbreak in the past.
I'm myself around my friends and have fun playing games.
With them...I'm just one of the guys!

No matter what life throws my way or who tries to put me down.
I will continue to rise up and fight to remain happy!!

I will continue to find those who understand me and trust me.
I love who I am because of these people, because of my job!!

Cause in this world I live, no matter what...I'm just one of the guys!

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