chapter 1(OLD)

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hi uh
i love jolyne and i'm really torn up over the ending of stone ocean although it'll never show so i decided, let's make a jolyne fanfic to cope, at least until stone ocean is confirmed/animated. once again, this is a au where everyone of the main characters live. see you at the end!

i sigh, laying on my bed and looking at my jojo poster from across the room, naming each one of the jojo's as i went.

'jonathan, joseph, jotaro, josuke, giorno, jolyne, johnny-'

"OI, Y/N! LET'S GO, WE'RE GOING TO VISIT DAD TODAY, REMEMBER?" my older brother shouts from downstairs, as i slowly stand up from my position on the bed.

"yeah, yeah, i'm coming!" i yell back, as i slip into more comfortable clothes; a simple hoodie with jolyne inside the pocket, if you managed to flip it inside out, and some sweatpants.

i make my way down the stairs, as my older brother sighs.

"you're wearing that hoodie again? that's the fourth time this week."

"oi, oi, oi! i washed it, at least! you wouldn't do that much!" i retaliate, as i grab a (drink of choice) from the fridge.

"whatever, let's just go." he sighs, as i follow him to the car.

"so, why is he in prison again?"

"he stole a car, they found him almost immediately. oi, put your seatbelt on! what if we get in a car crash!" he raised his voice towards the end, as i roll my eyes.

"i was already putting it on, calm down dude." i punch his shoulder lightly, as i pull out my phone.

'little does our father know, he committed a jojo reference!' i smile lightly to myself, as my brother glances at me.

"what, are you looking at jojo memes again?" he teases, as i smirk.

"no, just thinking. nothing important-" i get cut off by my brother's screams, as i cough out blood.

'wh-what happened..? why- why is there a bright light? (b/n(brother name)).... where.. where are you...?'

"the poor mortal, we should give them another chance. they were far too young to die!"

"they were 18, plenty old enough to die."

"yes, well, they had so many opportunities! look at them, they could be a model, or-or maybe a pop star? they're drop-dead gorgeous! there's no way they couldn't get a good job, and-and they seem smart!"

"hestia, we can't! we-we'll be removed! i want to revive them too, but where could we put them?"

"what-what about that one anime they watched? maybe in part 6, and only allow them to live if they change everyone's fate?"

"yes.. that would do. let's do it, sister."

i blinked, seeing my surrounds change from a white void with two odd figures into a prison, as i look down at my clothes, seeing they were changed.

"oi, looks like they're awake. so, why'd you do it?"

"w-what?" i mutter, looking at the prison guard.

"why did you kill them?"

"kill who?"

"c'mon, you remember. those 4 guys? why did you kill them? we found you standing completely uninjured in a circle of 4 injured men, holding an arrow of some sorts." the prison guard explained, as i blinked once again.

"se-self defense..?" i mutter, "i don't know, i don't remember doing it!"

"oi, oi, oi! just fess up to it! we all know you did it!" someone a cell over from me shouts, as i shake my head.

"no, really! i don't remember a thing!" i cry out, holding my head in my hands.

i check my pockets, finding my phone and my keychain of jolyne.

"what are you doing?! i won't hesitate to shoot!"

"nothing!" i raise my hands above my head, as the man sighs.

"alright, we're putting you in the same room as prisoner FE40536. don't try anything funny, we'll be watching you." the guard states, as i nod my head quietly.

as we arrive at the cell, i raise my head, coming face to face with a woman.

'wait a second, is that jolyne? uh- stay calm, don't freak out! freaking out will make her panic, and from there it'll only lead to bad things!' i tell myself in my mind, as i wave quietly at her.

"hey, who are you? why are you in here too?" jolyne asks, as i internally fangirl.

"i-i don't know, i think i was framed.. apparently, my body was found surrounded by 4 men, and i was uninjured... i don't remember doing any of it, though!" i explain, as she nods.

"well, what's your name? mines jolyne cujoh." jolyne smiles, holding her hand out.

"y/n l/n, nice to meet you." i firmly grasp her hand, as i smile back at her.

'oh my god her smile is so cute marry me jolyne cujoh AAAA' i freak out in my mind, as jolyne waves her hand in front of my face.

"are you alright? your face is red!" she laughed, as i shrug.

"it's no big deal, it's just kinda hot in here." i say, rubbing the back of my neck.

"ah, makes sense, there's no air condition anyway." she smiled, and i blushed lightly, turning my head slightly.

'oh god oh god i can't her smile i'm so- marry me jolyne'

"has anyone ever told you that you have a really nice smile?" i smirk, as jolyne blushed.

"oh, no, thank you, you have a beautiful smile too!" she winked, as i turned cherry red.

"thank you, too."

"oi! stop flirting for half a second so i can sleep!" i hear another prisoner shout, as i nervously rub the back of my neck.

"sorry!" i shout back, as jolyne snickers. "h-hey! don't laugh at me!"

"sorry, it's just cute that you apologize for something both of us are responsible for." she laughs, as i blush again.

"it's not cute!" i whisper-yell, going to lay down on the bed.

"uh-huh. sure, y/n, whatever you say." she laughs, as i cover myself with the thin blanket.

hey, how's it going?
uh i wrote like half of this at like 1am a few days ago, so sorry if it's bad lol i just got the inspiration to write and decided to make a jolyne fanfic :D and i know this is pretty short, sorry lol-
word count; 1091 words
reminder: stay safe! don't die, wear a mask or gloves if possible/necessary, etc!
goodbye, jojo!

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