An Indian Love Story

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Chapter 1

Tring, Tring i could hear the alarm blaring in background of my mom yelling, "Raji, Get up its time for college" . I stretched and yawned "ouch another hectic day". I am an intern in the local medical college, a 10min drive from my house.I live in Chennai, fourth largest city in India. It is just the first week of my internship and already i am tired of it, dont know how I will complete the full year.

I finished my morning rituals and got ready for college, mom made me gulp milk with dosas(an indian version of pancake). I was off in my two wheeler dreaming about how my post intern life would be. I parked in the hospital parking and made my way amongst the crowded casualty to my ward in the surgery.

My co intern Sheela greeted " Hey raji come on in quick we have lot of work to do, do you know that the second year surgery interns are joining our ward today" i said " Wat's the big deal", she replied " Just preparing you for them tats all" .

We were doing our duties of examining the ward patients and giving them their injections when our chief walked in " hello girls How is it going" we replied " goood morning sir" and joined in his grand rounds. We were moving slowly through the patients when a team of 3 good looking guys joined up, immediately sheela nudged me and whispered " These are the interns i told you about, arent they hot!!" I rolled my eyes and took a peek, not bad, all of them were good looking, one was short and dark, and another was tall lean and handsome, the last one was little older but nonetheless handsome.

The chief bellowed " come on guys join us and introduce yourself to our interns'. The short and dark one introduced himself as Rajeev, the tall and handsome as Krishna and the older one as Ganesh. After introduction, we resumed our rounds, Chief stopped near a old male patient, a diabetic with infected foot and truned directly back to me " Raji, can you please tell me what might be the probable infective agent in this gentleman" I was lost in my own world and didnt hear him properly, " sorry sir, i didnt get you, can you please repeat the question". Everybody started snickering and i was looking helplessly around, I heard a soft yet firm male voice talking from behind, i couldnt turn but i an realised he is one of the new interns telling me "the answer is staphylococcus". I immediately blurted out, " Sir, its staphylcoccus", chief exclaimed " yes good" and proceeded on with the rounds

I turned back and saw my saviour, he was Krishna and he was smiling with twinkle in his eye, i felt myself losing in the smile...............

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