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"Alpha's are to line up by the 'A' symbol sign. Beta's are to line up at the 'B' symbol sign, and Omega's stay put."
Loud speakers boomed across the school field, over the students. Today was Karasuno's annual type against type field day. The event would start at sorting out the types of the students. As soon as that would be finished, the groups will each have their symbol written on top of their right hand. Then they would be sorted into their genders and year groups, once again getting a symbol on their left hand, showing their age group. Then the field day would begin.

Students eagerly lined up in their respective types, chattering away on the future events exitedly. All except for a orange haired, short first year - Hinata Shōyō. Dont get it wrong, he loved these events. He just disliked the sorting part of it. He was the only Omega in his entire school, and would get alot of unwanted attention for it during school. Not the bad, scary attention - the 'Omega's are very special, and should be cared for at all costs.' He would feel utmost embarrassment whenever he walked the hallways passed groups of girls especially, as they would gush over the small Omega. It usually got so bad that Kageyama would have to walk with him constantly so he would get to class or practice on time.

It made it particularly hard when he was at the preliminaries. Alpha's were constantly following him because of his scent - he was happy that his friends were there to protect him. Hinata let out a sigh as his hand got marked with the Omega type symbol. "Good luck, I heard that Nekoma will be joining our field day. Apparently the entire week is going to become a camp of field days for the two schools." Mrs Okami spoke softly. She was also an Omega, so her and Hinata had a small bond between them. Okami never really knew Omegas at her youth.

"Alright, run along now. They should be starting to mark the age groups soon." Hinata bowed a thanks and waved goodbye as he bounded happily towards the Alpha group, looking for Kageyama.
"Hey, it's the Omega. Whatya doing over here?" A tall brown haired second year asked.

"Oh, I'm looking for Kageyama! Have you seen him?" The small Omega let out his famous smile, making the Alpha melt.
"Heh, C'mon shorty, he's this way." Hinata spoke a thanks as the Alpha offered his arm to hold onto as they mazed through the group of Alphas.

Hinata was now just realising how big of a group the Alphas were. Just by walking past, it seemed as if there were a good twenty - twenty five of them. "Hey, Kageyama! Your Omega is here." The older Alpha called out to Kageyama, who was getting the Alpha symbol on his hand. Hinata's cheeks heated up at the words. Your Omega? Kageyama turned around and walked over, looking at Hinata questionably. The orange haired boy suddenly realised he hadn't let go of the older Alpha. (There were alot of tall Alphas... in Hinata's eyes at least.) Hinata slipped away from his arm.
"Thank you Riku!" Hinata bowed. Riku, the older Alpha, chuckled.
"Hey, no problem Omega. See you two around."

"So, you do know you are literally in the lions den right now, right?" Kageyama said, looking at the group of Alphas that were now starting to pick up Hinata's scent.
"They wouldn't try anything though, right? Your super scary. So if i'm by you I think i'll be okay." Hinata thought aloud. Kageyama rolled his eyes and ruffled the Omegas hair.
"Whatever, let's go to our age group so we can get to the activity sooner."


"Kenma!!" Hinata let out an overjoyed shout as he jumped onto his friend, who had just stepped off of the bus.
"Careful shorty, dont break our setter." Kuroo chuckled, helping Kenma up. Kenma looked up from his device and muttered his greeting.
"Hey Kenma, did you get a new gaming control?" Hinata asked as the two began to chat away about games and volleyball.
"Kuroo! Nice to see you and Nekoma." Daichii and Suga smiled, welcoming the team.
"Alright. Today is more of getting settled and heading off to the field day site. Karasuno may go grab their things from their classrooms or clubrooms. Nekoma, follow me please.'' The principle spoke as he walked off, leading the visiting school to get their markings and such done on their hands.

''Okay, lets go get our stuff, but no running-'' Daichii got cut off by Kageyama and Hinata yelling aggressively as they ran towards the clubroom, both itching in their minds to win and beat the other.
"Atleast you tried..'' Suga patted his shoulder as the rest of the team chuckled at the two maniacs running.

''I win! Ha!'' Hinata spoke as he stood proud. Kageyama silently walked up the stairs, making Hinata think he had done something. ''Kageyama..?'' Kageyama opened the door.
"I WIN!'' Hinata was taken aback, puzzled.
"N-no! I won, fair and square!'' Kageyama smirked.
"Nope. I got into the clubroom first. Remember? We made a new deal for the race?'' Hinata looked at Kageyama with utter confusion, trying to think back to when this conversation occurred. He mentally face palmed after a good ten seconds when he remembered it. They both couldnt stop making a tie at the foot of the stairs, so they extended it to whoever got into the clubroom first.

''Did you bring everything you need?'' Kageyama asked Hinata as they were grabbing their multiple bags.
"Mmhm- medicine and everything.'' He spoke, picking up his volleyball and stood straight, a nervous smile appeared on his face as Kageyama picked up his last bag. ''Do you.. D-do you have your-''

''Yes, I have my rut suppressants." Kageyama cut Hinata off. Hinata let out a small breath of relief, as most of him were relieved that Kageyama had his medicine too - Nekoma had three Omegas, as far as they knew. Which meant medicine for Kageyama. For some reason, he wasn't really affected by the Omegas smell, but just to be sure he would bring his medicine, incase one would happen to go into heat. ''Let's go.''

Heyy!! This is my first public Haikyuu!! book, and im really excited about it because its also my first Omegaverse book! I cant say for sure this will be finished as I am still in school, But i have a good feeling ill be able to finish this book without any problems :) Some may be short depending on how long it was since the previous chapter. :: NONE of this book is planned. Improv is my style of writing, so if a chapter sounds a bit mixed up its because my brain had too many ideas that day / chapter. Have fun reading!! Enjoy!!

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