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''Where's Hinata? Wasn't he with you earlier Kageyama?'' Sugawara asked as they began to line up outside the mass hall. ''Uh- y-yeah but we had.. A misunderstanding and-'' Kageyama was interrupted by Kuroo. ''They had a misunderstanding and the shorty ran off in tears. Wasn't pretty.'' Suga looked at Kageyama with a stern expression. ''Then go find him. It's getting late and he is an Omega. It's dangerous for him to be alone this dark. Especially when it's full moon.'' Kageyama nodded and began to fast-walk in the direction he saw Hinata run, his heart beating wildly at the thought of something bad happening to Hinata.

''Hey, Kuroo!'' A third year Beta from Nekoma came up to Kuroo with a worried look on her face. ''Oh, hey Nene-chan. What happened?''
''Have you seen Aku anywhere? He has been missing since this afternoon.'' Kuroo's eyes widened as he cussed under his breath. ''What is it, Kuroo?'' Suga asked, feeling uneasy. ''Hinata hasnt shown up since those two left to practice, right?'' Suga nodded. ''I have a feeling a certain Omega got his first heat.''

''Shōyō?!'' Kageyama yelled out as he hurriedly looked around for the Omega. Where is he? Kageyama had been searching for five minutes now, and got even more worried when he got a text from Suga saying the possibility of Hinata in his first heat. I need to find him. ''Shōyō??!'' He yelled again. His voice began to hurt because of how loud he had been yelling. ''Tobio!!'' A loud destressed scream sounded from further into the trees. Shōyō. Kageyama began sprinting in that direction as he began to yell constantly, ''I'm coming! Shōyō!'' The small search party at camp had heard the faint scream too - sending everyone into a panic, even the teachers.

Kageyama slowed down as Hinata's heat scent filled his lungs. Control it. Help him. ''Shōyō?!'' Kageyama yelled out. He froze as he heard a whimper and followed the sound. What he wasn't expecting was the small Omega to be pinned down by Aku. He instantly let out a terrifyingly loud growl. ''What the fuck are you doing to him.'' He seethed, hands balled into fists. Aku glared at Kageyama. ''You played around too long, Kageyama. Im only claiming what's mine.'' He smirked as he lowered his head down to the squirming Hinata. ''Let me go!'' He growled weakly, flailing around. The high pitch sound of Aku's hand hitting Hinata's cheek was loud, and enough to make Kageyama charge at him with rage. He instantly tackled him off of Hinata, the small Omega climbing away to a safer distance, hurriedly putting his shorts on from his knees. He watched the two Alphas fight as fear surged through his body. Kageyama had thrown some strong punches, Aku pinned down twice but got back up both times.

''You really think that he wants to be your pairmate after all your playing?!'' Aku laughed as another punch was served, splitting Kageyama's bottom lip. ''If he doesn't want to be my pair, that's fine. It's his decision!'' Kageyama yelled as he punched Aku's jaw, a pained groan coming from the now fallen Alpha. He held his jaw. ''You dick, my jaw just broke.'' He cackled. Kageyama let out an angered yell as he began to kick him over and over. ''Hinata was hurt by me, because i didnt consider what he was feeling! That's on me! But nobody, nobody gets to do that shit to him without his say so!! How dare you do that to him?!'' Kageyama screamed over and over. ''Tobio stop!'' Hinata yelled, staring at the limp body. Kageyama instantly froze and looked down. Aku's limp body lay still, blood pooling out of his mouth. ''I..''

''Come on. We need to get out of here.'' Hinata spoke as he used the nearest tree to help him stand up. ''I'll carry you.'' Kageyama spoke as he quickly picked Hinata up bridal style. They vanished into the trees quickly. Suga, Ukai, Kuroo, Daichi and Nene turned up at the scene a minute later. They were all shocked to see Aku's body in that state. Nene ran instantly to his side. ''Aku? Aku wake up!'' She yelled with tears falling down, shaking him to wake him up, but ot no avail. ''Is he.. Dead..?'' Nishinoya and Tanaka came into view with their small search group. ''Kageyama and Hinata were here.'' Nishinoya spoke with one sniff into the air.

"Ew.. whats that smell?!" Tanaka gagged as he held his nose. "That would be the rut scent coming from Aku. By how his pants are over there," Kuroo pointed to a tree, "And how beaten up he looks, along with the scent of the two others being here - I'd say that this-"

"Was exactly what you thought was happening." Suga whispered, causing numerous saddening and angry whines and whimpers. If anyone didn't know any better, people would think there were a pack of wolves nearby. "Let's go find them to make sure their okay!" Daichi said as they continued their way to find the pair, Nene and majority of the other search group staying behind to take Aku back to camp while calling an ambulance.


SUPER SORRY FOR THE SHORT CHAPTER!!! ive been kinda alot busy with my family and dealing with a few things and being injured this week and i didnt want to miss the deadline😅 I'm back at school next week so normal full chapters should be up and ready again! Have a good day and see ya next week!!!

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