Prologue (Updated)

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-[ 3rd POV: Unknown City ]-

It was on that Day, that their paths intertwine. We open up to the sound of falling rain is heard. The rain felt like it wasn't going to let up anytime soon. But it didn't mater as the sound of footsteps are then heard, fallowed by a Mysterious figure wear, what seemed to be a black coat, that covered their face was seen walking across the alleyways. As they kept walking they paid no mind to the rain, as the droplets simply slid down the coat.

As it continued making it's way deeper in to the alley. It stopped as it's attention was directed at a small girl that was seating with her back against against the wall in a fetal position, and covering herself from the rain that seemed endless. The girl seemed to look like she was 6 or 7 years old. The clothes of the girl looked dirty and worn down, along with several small bruises across her arms, and legs. To the person it wandered stuff like. What was a girl like her doing here? As it kept looking at her. The girl didn't even try to move not even acknowledge the person's presences. So having no other choice the person walked over to her, with both it's hands behind it's back. Just then when the person got close to her. The girl flinched as she felt that the droplets of the rain had stop hitting her. She then lifted her head to look at what was going on, only to be met with the person looking down on her.

 She then lifted her head to look at what was going on, only to be met with the person looking down on her

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As it gaze at her eye's it noticed that they were empty, almost completely devoid of life. It wonder. Why? Why was a girl in this city? Why was she alone? It then got on one of it's knees to the same level as the girl, as the girl looked back at them. 

"What are you doing here child?" 

It said but the girl didn't respond. Confused it spoke again to the small girl.

"Are you alone?" 

They spoke again and he even wandered if the girl was going to respond to him. But surprisingly the girl after hearing it's question, she nod's at it. 

"How did you get here?" 

The girl again confused simply tilted her head to the side. Almost as if it didn't understand it's question. 

"You do know that it's dangerous around here?" 

It said to her. But the girl simply tilted her head to the other side clearly confused at it's words.

But it was only then that the girl spoke in a weak tone. "Dan... gerous?" 

-[ Person's POV ]-

As I kept looking at the small girl that stood before me. I could tell that just by looking at her, that she had no home to go back to. No place to call family. So having no other option I quickly figured out what to do. 

"Would you like to go with me? Or would you like to stay?" 

I said extended my right arm to her witch she hesitated to take at first. No big surprised after all, to her I was a mere stranger to her. Just then I got surprised as she then held my hand. I then gently picked her up, just encase she couldn't walk, and I placed her on my back. 

Finding One's Heart (Abandoned Fem. Reader x KH x Crossovers)Where stories live. Discover now