îžÛwÛs past

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Today was another normal day I got up off my bed I was freezing Hizashi must have taken it. The nights i got it was the nightS Hizashi was out partying, drinking, and got back a school time. Those nights i cherishes. My mom didn't know cause she was never there when it happened and I always treated my own wounds. Even if she were to find out id tell a lie and say it was from training with Kacchan.

I went to my closet and got my favorite hoodie. A light green hoodie with cat ears. Some yoga pants and my signature red high tops. Went to the bathroom brushed my hair so people didn't think I wasn't watched correctly. When I was done I went to the living room saw Hizashi half on the couch. I went got my book bag a small snack. Before dad woke up I left. When I went near Kacchan's house. I heard Mitsuki fighting with Kacchan the normal. So I went of to school.

Time Skip brought to you by fluffy îžÛwÛ

It was the end of the day and Kacchan was the last one to leave. But before he left he chuckled saying "take a swan dive of the rough, and hope for a quirk in the next life NERD". Then he left letting me wonder if I should actually jump and if anyone would care. Then i thought of the one person who would care, my mom. So i didn't. When i got home his dad was waiting for him, why because it was beating time 👋🏻 ( jazz hands ). I backed up hoping to get away. That just made Hizashi mad. He started his quirk and it hit him on the top or his right arm. He screeched in pain.

Time Skip brought to you by I'm bad at fight seens

I went to my room and cleaned myself up not before getting out my razor and cut a "few" times. Ok I may have went a little overboard I had done about 25 26 in all. I cleaned them banged them and went to bed.

Part two may be out tomorrow or so

Bÿê Mÿ lîttlê Kîttêñš😺😽👋🏻

368 words

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