CHAPTER 1: together alone

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"I love you," said Lan Wangji, smiling up at the sky. It took him a second to realize what he had said. 

Lan Wangji gulped, waiting for Wei Wuxian's response.

When after a few minutes, the response didn't come, Lan Wangji finally had the guts to look at Wei Wuxian, who was staring at him, mouth hanging open like a goldfish, eyes blown wide with shock.

"You," he asked, grimacing as the words came out of his mouth. "You don't feel the same way?"

tags: wangxian, modern au, fluff, cute, love confessions, soft, two bros sitting on a window sill, thirty centimetres apart, cause they're gay but it's too hot to cuddle

1895 words

hope you enjoy...


Lan Wangji was sitting on the window ledge of Wei Wuxian and his third story apartment, his legs dangling dangerously over the edge of the tiled surface, his back facing the room. The breeze blew against his face and it was pleasant, a relief from the heat of the stuffy apartment behind him. Wearing only a small vest and some shorts, his short hair blowing around his face, Lan Wangji could finally take in the sunset and the actually rather pleasant afternoon without dying of overheating.

Lan Wangji took a breath in and out, closing his eyes and listening to the city around him come to life, the people starting to set the chairs of their restaurants up on the road, the squeaking sound of metal, the sound of people shouting orders, the sound of a few of the early-comers filtering into the restaurants and shops below. Lan Wangji sighed, grateful he wasn't down there, where the bustle was.

His job as a writer for the local newspaper was much more pleasant, very calming, to spend hours writing and editing an article, to be able to sit in silence, in a contained environment. Out there, down in the street, was too busy, too many people, people who would probably bump into him, shout, and do a whole number of unpleasant things as the evening progressed and they called to the waiters to bring them more wine. 

Loud, drunk and unruly people were difficult to deal with. (Drunk people in general were difficult to deal with (himself included) but Lan Wangji didn't care to spend too much more time thinking of the topic.) In any case, Lan Wangji was glad he had this job. This job that he loved, alongside Wei Wuxian. This apartment too. This apartment he loved. Wei Wuxian, the roommate he had. The roommate that he... loved.

Lan Wangji was pulled from his thoughts when a loud groan came from the apartment behind him.

"Lan Zhan," Wei Wuxian whined, walking towards the window, a sheen of sweat covering his forehead. "Why is it so hot??"

Wei Wuxian walked and sat next to Lan Wangji, being careful not to touch him, it was far too hot for that and until Wei Wuxian had cooled down, he would probably not be touching Lan Wangji. Which was good. Just seeing Wei Wuxian in... the minimal amount of clothing he was in, was making it very difficult for Lan Wangji to control himself. Wei Wuxian was wearing a small white spaghetti strapped top, with small bows at the top of both straps on the top of Wei Wuxian's shoulders, as well as a pair of very short shorts. 

It was, admittedly, a very feminine look that would probably not be approved of in public, but Lan Wangji could never complain when it came to Wei Wuxian. It was doing wonders for Wei Wuxian's already gorgeous figure, and Lan Wangji's brain was supplying him with many unhelpful images of Wei Wuxian wearing said top. Lan Wangji could feel a warm feeling in his chest, that Wei Wuxian trusted him to not judge him for wearing something a little different. It was nice to be trusted by someone he cared so deeply for.

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