CHAPTER 5: wreckage breaks the peace, but sews us together

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"Huanguang-Jun, he got hurt in the arena, they won't give us medical coverage because Master Wei has a criminal record, Jie-Jie is busy working her shift at the public medic bay, I'm sorry, I didn't know where else to go-"

"Shut up," Lan Wangji spat, moving the curtain aside and stepping into his small living quarters. Blood was dripping off of Wei Wuxian now, onto Lan Wangji's hands, onto the floor, onto Lan Wangji's clothes. Shit. "Shut up, shut up, shut up."

tags: wangxian, Cyborg AU, Healer!Lan Wangji, Cyborg!Wei Wuxian, Robots, Healing, Major Character Injury, Mild Gore, Wen Ning being bullied by a stressed out Lan Wangji

4916 words

hope you enjoy...


Lan Wangji was working peacefully at his sandalwood workbench, grinding up dried herbs with a marble pestle and mortar, carefully sprinkling them into their respective glass jars, making sure to prevent cross contamination by washing the pestle and mortar in between each different herb. 

He lined the jars up, looking over them, ticking them off his inventory list as he inscribed the name of each one onto individual pieces of paper, before sticking them to the sides of the jar. 

Chamomile leaves went in a separate jar from the chamomile powder, ginseng roots went in another, gingko, ginger, garlic, lavender, you name it, Lan Wangji had it neatly filed away in his medicine cabinet.

Lan Wangji hummed, pleased with himself as he looked back to admire his work, brushing the pestle off on his white work apron. The apron was dirty anyways, he'd just wash it later. He quickly examined his black and silver prosthetic left hand, which was starting to squeak at the wrist, in protest of its hard labor. The joints had gotten messy. How annoying. Lan Wangji would have to take it off and clean it up... later. 

He just needed to refile the medicine jars (there were over one hundred of them and they needed to be ordered in alphabetical order so that he could find them easily when they were needed) so that he could get on with cleaning off his mechanic tools and spare parts (Lan Wangji may be a human doctor, but most humans nowadays had robotic parts that also needed to be tended to every once in a while, so he was always well prepared for anyone who dropped by at the clinic instead of going to a mechanic for help).

This was a ritual Lan Wangji took part in every week, checking through his inventory and stocking up on the things he'd be needing, neglecting his left hand for a day. Medicine was one of the few things that had stayed the same over the years. 

You still needed to go to a doctor, a professional to get treated (many people used AI's, but it didn't hurt to get a human opinion for those who couldn't afford the fees of going to a robotic doctor's appointment) and you still can't treat all your more severe wounds. 

The world still needed the balms, salves and lotions he produced in his clinic. And it was relaxing, to look over his work and feel proud of his patience. Of course he never admitted how proud he truly was to anyone, that would be probably be considered selfish, but Lan Wangji believed it was good to feel proud of oneself when you had done a good job.

Lan Wangji continued filing the jars away in silence, the only noise you could hear was the robotics of his left-hand squeaking every now and then and the jars lightly clinking against each other. Lan Wangji would have to get that oiled soon or it might end up needing parts to replace and those were expensive. 

Not that Lan Wangji couldn't afford it, but if he could have avoided having to get his wrist fixed and had ignored it, leading to more expenses, then he was being irresponsible, and Lan Wangji was NOT irresponsible! 

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