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Zoey flew around for a couple of hours before deciding to head back home. She had decided to tell Rythian, everything. Literally everything, from her back story to how she really felt about him...... She had planned out the entire speech aswell. She kept repeating it in her head so she wouldn't forget it.

She arrived at the castle and slowly started to descend down to the front doors. "...and that's why I really don't want us to fight...I-I love you, Rythian, I always have" She said repeating her speech for the 10th time. She took a deep breath and made her way in through the doors. "Rythian?" She called out. She got no response...well of course he wouldn't respond...he hated her, and he had every right to. "Rythian, I know you hate me right now and I really don't blame you for it, but I really need to talk to you." She yelled from the front doors, but still got no response, she decided to look around for him and started making her way to the magic room, but he wasn't there "Rythian??" She called out and made her way towards the kitchen, still no Rythian, she decided to look upstairs and made her way up to the bedroom they shared, she noticed the door was slightly open and there was a purple light coming from the room, she knocked lightly on the door and peaked through the gap "Rythian?" She said quietly. She looked in the door to see Rythian sitting on the bed reading an odd looking book that, she discovered, the purple light was coming from. Rythian looked up towards her and snapped the book closed "What?" he snarled at her "Rythian I realise how angry you are at me and I don't blame you at all, but if you would listen to what I have to say, maybe we could finally end this stupid fight." She said to him hopeful that he would let her talk. He stood up from the bed to face her "Proceed" He said obviously still annoyed. "Well...after what was probably out 7,000th fight, I went for a fly around the world and did some thinking. I actually stopped by Baby Jim as well and he seems to be doing good, which is always good." She said rambling "Zoey...." Rythian said making her snap out of it and coming back to reality. "Oh right, anyway, I was flying around and I realised how silly this fight is, how we could just end it and forgive each other. And I think the first step toward mending our relationship is to tell each other the truth" Zoey said pausing in her speech, Rythian looked up at her confused. "Now I'm not saying you have to, but I want to, so I guess, here goes nothing..." Zoey said taking a deep breath before continuing "Zoey...what do you mean?" Rythian asked more confused. "Well basically, I'm not exactly..what I appear to be...." She said continuing. She walked over to her chest of drawers and looked through it to find a photo frame. She continued to look at the photo as she walked back over towards him. It was a photo of her, what appeared to be her, but more....blazy, and she was standing next to a boy, a boy that looked like a enderman "When I was little I always dreamed of a world of happiness and peace, well for the most part, this world had monsters, green things and undead things and other weird creatures,in this world I looked 'normal' like the girls who lived on the surface, pretty and petite I remember telling my parents about the odd dreams I would have but they always said to not be so silly and to stop daydreaming but I never could forget that world." She said as she looked down at the photo and chuckled "I promised myself one day, I would get there, one day I would find that place. Anyway, when I was about 13 years old my family went to war with another family from another realm. It was terrifying, but I do remember having one "friend" I guess, we had been "friends" since we we're around 6, well he was about two years older then me so, he was about 8 but anyway, when we went to war I never really saw him again, see he was the son of the other family. I remember telling him about my dreams and he said he would help me find this place....but eventually he was brainwashed, as far as I know, to forget his childhood, and only remember the bad." Zoey had to pause to choke back some tears. "I always promised myself I would find him again. And we would be together in this "make-believe" world from my dreams. Well skip down a couple years, about a year ago now, I saw this strange portal-thing from my room, ever since the war I had been forced to stay in there at all times only allowed to leave if absolutely necessary. Anyway, this portal was on the ground just below my window, it was almost as if it was teasing me, mocking me of how I could never leave this place, well next thing I did was I got my favourite mushroom, Barry, and I jumped out of the window into the portal, And the place I ended up was where I had always dreamed of, mountains that seem to go on forever, so many animals, absolute peace, I looked at myself, well what I could see of myself, and I looked how I'd always dreamed of looking! And then, I realised I was falling through the air, luckily though I landed in a pond, and there was someone there for me to tag along with, I looked up at the voice and what I saw I could never have imagained. The voice belonged to the boy I had been friends with all that time ago, of course I knew he wouldn't remember me so I didn't freak out like I wanted to, but I was so happy to see him again, skip a couple months, now I'm here! I dunno what you got from that or if you want me to repeat anything, but if you do, just say so...." She looked up at Rythian to see he was staring straight at her, arms still crossed and face still crumpled like he was angry and confused all at once. "If I crossed a line and said to much, I'm sorry and we can just pretend I never said any of that, I don't even know if you remember-" She started but was interrupted by Rythian, Rythian kissing her! "I can't believe I had forgotten my blaze girl." Rythian said after, Zoey smiled and said "It's ok Ender hunk, I always knew I'd find you again" She said with a chuckle. And they kissed again. Zoey dropped the picture on the bed. The picture of the Blaze princess and the Ender Prince.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2014 ⏰

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