My Encounter With ToTheArk

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I hadn't had my camera with me then, when I was walking from my house to Alex's old house. But I remember it... everything that happened that night. The Slender Man. Everything that happened to me.

I wrote it down the day after it happened. I still don't understand it.

It's been a week since then.

I feel so strange. I'm trying not to think about it, but with what's happened since... it's difficult to get my thoughts in order, difficult to think about it... difficult not to.

Of course I won't record anything like that it on the you tube channel. No one would take me seriously.

I have to make do with this personal journal. These new events are different, important somehow, but I don't know. I can't talk about it exactly. It's cooled, since I wrote about him. Now I'll just relate these events as best I can.

Since I encountered him... or maybe he encountered me, while I was on my way to the old house for a second time, I went back three days ago like I originally intended.

On a whim, I took a knife with me.

I got inside the house like the first time, through the sliding door. I found a bottle of pills and a bullet casing, items that I have no leads on yet.

But something else happened during that visit that really disturbed me.

I saw someone, or something, in the house, and it attacked me. Apparently. I don't remember the event actually occurring, I just have the tapes to show what happened. I woke up in my car the morning afterwards, in the woods near my neighborhood. When I got home I replayed the tape I had, and saw the figure that attacked me. I admit, after watching that, I was shaken.

I guess I stabbed him with the knife I took, but I'm not sure. I can't quite tell from the tape. Either way, I'm more frightened now, and I don't think I'll go back to the house for a while.

There's another thing I haven't mentioned yet.

Last night, I taped myself while I slept. I'm not sure why. It felt... safer somehow, that way.

But not anymore.

That figure, that thing, I guess its name is Totheark, from those other videos...

He was on the tape from last night. I had no idea...

I mean, I had locked the whole house up, even door to my room, and I was sure locked my window. I remember sleeping pretty soundly. But replaying the tape... he was there. In my bedroom! For hours, he was there, standing there, watching me.

And oh, God! He was even right next to my bed, watching me sleeping. What the fuck? And he knew I was filming him, he obviously acknowledged the camera.

What was he doing? Is he planning to kill me? Or maybe... I guess if he wanted to, he would've already.

Is it too much to hope that these frightening events will turn out like they did with the slender man?

Oh God, what am I saying? Am I that sick? That's... I feel crazy, but...  I don't know.

I'm going to film myself again tonight. And this time, I think I have a plan. I hope I live to write it down afterwards.


I turned on the camera, placed it at the same angle as before, and started recording.

I sat on my bed and tied a strip of smooth fabric snugly around my neck.

I tied two others to my wrists, and then I lay down on my bed and tied my wrists to my headboard, using self-tightening knots. It was a bit tricky, but I figured it out eventually, and I knew how to untie them.

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