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yoongi was not the type of person to pry at something. he usually just goes with the flow and let things evolve in their own time.

but things have not been easy for him ever since he found out his soulmate's marks. you see, he didn't have a mark on his body. nothing.  every time he goes to the shower, before he goes to sleep, and even when he wakes up every morning, he checks if the name is marked on him.

and every time he does, he was met with disappointment. it was impossible that they were not his soulmate. he knew that. yet he could not help but worry. 

no not worry...

he felt...


'do they not find anything about me attractive?' 

and being in his cold and isolated studio did not help his currently distressed state.

a humming cut his thoughts. he almost shivered before he realized it was his soul sense activating. yoongi had this sense of hearing his soulmate if they absolutely loved what they were talking about.

it scared yoongi the first time, because taehyung was rapping cypher rapidly on the other side of the building. but he grew to love it, hearing the people he loves be passionate about something.

and like now. hearing a very familiar tune being hummed to his ears. he melted in his seat and smiled at the thought of you. 

he couldn't help but be excited by the thought of meeting you.


jimin on the other hand was very impatient. he couldn't wait. at all.

he watched jin and hobi practice their choreography again and again. although they liked to make fun of both jin and namjoon's dancing skills, they were not bad dancers. their choreography was just hard.

anyways, the whole situation of waiting for their soulmate and not meeting them immediately did not sit well with him. he can't understand. they have her name and they have a huge company. finding her wouldn't be a problem at all.

but his soulmate comes before his needs. he also doesn't want to force, shock, or make her feel pressured. so he listened.

and waited.


raising his eyebrow, he shifted his gaze from jin and hobi to his phone beside him. looking at the text notification on his phone, he noticed that the number was unfamiliar. and being the rational person he is, he unlocked his phone to block and delete the number.

that was until he saw the text.


6:01 p.m.

hey, about the job you're offering today. I wanted to accept it!

oh! you also wanted my name right?

I'm (y/n)! tell me when I could start

well wasn't his soul sense nice?

jimin's soul sense was one of a kind. it was 'right timing', as he liked to call it. every time something happened to his soulmate or if they need some kind of help, somehow jimin would always be there. and moments like these are why he absolutely loved being impatient, because it activates his sense forcibly. 

call him petty and even a brat.

he just gets what he wants. and he would brag about getting his soulmate's number first.

not before messing around though

hey, of course.

you can start by tomorrow, around noon if that's alright?

I can't wait to see you!

sent\6:07 p.m

thank you for 700+ reads and all the votes UwU.

chapters will be more lengthy when you finally meet them! 

thank you for the support, stay safe and have a nice day



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