The Plan (REVISED)

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Colette and Klaus: We're back!!!

Colette: This time, the story will make more sense!

Klaus: Maybe~

Me: There's something wrong in my life.

Additional note: The prologue has been edited. No complaints are allowed :-P


"Welcome to today's meeting!" an optimistic voice announced.

The lights turned on which revealed a room. A round table with treats was in the middle of the room. Around it were six chairs. Each chair has an occupant. On one of the walls was a large screen.

There was a girl with black hair tied in a ponytail and gray eyes. Beside her was a boy who had similar characteristics as her, but had short black hair. From their appearance alone, you could tell that they were twins.

Next to him was a boy with blood red hair with white streaks and black eyes. Then there was a girl with silver hair and maroon eyes. Both of them had pale skin and had stoic expressions on their faces, yet the girl had a much softer one.

Next to her was a boy with blue green hair and blue eyes. Lastly, there was a girl with multi-colored hair and brown eyes.

It was the multi-colored girl who spoke.

The black-haired girl sighed, "Why are we here, Iste?" Iste grinned, "We are here to discuss a very important event."

"What event?" Her twin asked.

Iste turned to the blue green-haired boy and both of them grinned at each other.

"We are going to do something." the boy explained, "Something so amazing. That'll include all of our friends."

The black-haired girl's eyes widened, "Nier, you don't mean-" "Yes. When I mean all of our friends, I meant your friends too."

The red-haired boy scoffed, "And how are you going to do that?"

Iste and Nier grinned. "That's the reason why you're all here." Iste stated. Nier nodded, "Yeah! We need a place, music and decorations." His smile grew, "Which is why we brought you here to tell you guys."

This time, the black-haired girl scoffed, "More like kidnapped."

The silver-haired girl was in thought, "Is there something wrong, Reina?" Nier asked.

"Maybe she's thinking how stupid and terrible this idea is." The black-haired boy said.

"I agree with Usicis." The red-haired boy commented, "My sister would never agree to this."

"Thank you, Guerre." Usicis turned to his twin, "Do you agree, sister?"

"Don't call me that." She snapped, "You will address me as Rogetti and I agree, this idea will cause problems for us."

"But we're still going with the plan right?" Iste and Nier asked, ignoring the fact that half of the people in the room denied them.

"I think that's up to Reina's decision on the matter, Iste and Nier."

Everyone turned to Reina.

Iste and Nier were nervous while Rogetti, Guerre and Usicis were waiting patiently.

Reina raised her head, which gained their attention.

She smiled.

"Everyone. We have invitations to make."


I have edited the prologue because I have finalized my ideas for this tri-crossover.

I apologize if this might confuse some readers.

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