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I tightened my rain coat around me, even though it wasnt raining. My arms wrapped around my body as i walked briskly on, the wind not too strong but chilly nonetheless. I looked around me at the foggy air in the streets of London. The old buildings with their majestic and typical old European architecture stared back at me. Most of the lights in their windows still closed, the day hadn't started yet, even for the early laborers of London it was still too early to be out in the streets. And on most mornings i would agree, I'd be in bed, with my cat still fast asleep in my small heated bedroom, but this morning was different. I had places to be. People to see, though i previously wanted to forget them.

I tried to keep my feet from being too noisy on the grey pavement, still wet with dew, as I walked on in the small alleyway barely lit with the old street lamps on the side. I took a sharp turn as i exited the alleyway, into an even darker and tighter one. One that smelled that much more like trash, as i headed for the poorer parts of London. Walking past door after doors. I tried to look the other way when i saw a child in tattered clothes and barefeet curling up against a random wall near a wooden and weak door. Sounds of a cat brawl nearby told me that i was closer to my destination. The air was even foggier here, but with pollution instead of precipitation. The street lamps - if not shattered - were pathetically flickering on and off as I marched steadily past them and across the street. Making sure to keep my head down and face hidden behind my warm brown hair, arms still tightly hugging my sides for a feeling of safety more than warmth. I looked around me one more time to make sure I was alone as i neared a wooden door with neutral blue paint peeling off of it. My steps carried me through the street slightly faster, in a hurry to reach the blue door and its rusty door knocker.

I halted in front of it, looked down at my black boots for a second to collect my thoughts and confidence before slowly holding onto the metal door knocker slightly above my 5'4 frame and knocking barely loud enough so that it can be heard through the weak wood on the other side. I waited impatiently, looking around me anxiously before lowering my head once again, only raising it after hearing frail steps on the other side of the door. I raised my head, straightened my back, and tightened my arms around my torso as the door slowly creaked open and a delicate old women with her white hair tied back peeked her head out. Upon seeing my face she weakly scrambled back and opened the door to let me into the dimly lit and slightly claustrophobic reception. I hurriedly walked in, to let her close the door behind me before she froze to death in her light night gown and flimsy shawl barely hanging off her boney shoulders.

The door shut with a light whistle as the air stopped rushing into the room. The woman or, if I remembered correctly, Madeline, solemnly looked at me with pitiful eyes before walking ahead of me to his room. The tight hallways in the house were all dark, with most of the candles already burnt out. The floor beneath her creaked despite the thin carpet covering them in a pathetic attempt to give off a homey atmosphere . I followed her quietly to the back of the small house, pausing next to her in front of the door left ajar, with weak candle light coming from behind it. She gave me one last look and a small smile that revealed her broken and missing teeth before walking off to her room under the staircase, leaving me and my anxiety in front of the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2021 ⏰

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