Chapter 5

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"No no no" you say. "This is my friend"

Bobby looks more confused than before. As soon as the appointment ends, you two begin walking down the road trying to find a place for dinner.

You both settle on a quiet bbq place. Bobby orders a bottle of soju for you two.

"So y/n" he says pouring you a glass of soju. "You didn't tell me you were getting married"

You blush. "I'm really sorry. I always thought you knew. My father had it announced in the newspaper"

Bobby frowns. "I'm sorry. I guess I just missed it" he says looking away.

"And I thought my ring was obvious" you say showing him your hand where a big diamond on a small golden band laid wrapped around your finger.

Bobby starts laughing. "Oh geez. I'm so oblivious to details." He leans forward to look at your ring some more with an expression that said how could he miss such a thing.

"I'm really happy for you, y/n. Congratulations. Truly" he adds with a giant smile.

"Thank you" you mutter. You were quite relieved that he didn't seem to care too much. He genuinely looked happy for you and that made your heart feel at ease. You didn't know why you needed his approval but it felt nice to have it.

You two go on eating dinner and you order a couple more soju bottles. You felt it was necessary because it was two good old friends catching up after years apart.

However after your second bottle you felt fine but just a little warm. You saw that Bobby was getting pretty drunk and it made you laugh.

"You still can't handle your liquor" you say playfully.

"No!" Bobby says with his eyes half closed. He hiccups right after.

You laugh at him because that just proved your point.

"Ok I am." He admits. "And you're still a good drinker y/n. I always wondered how you could drink so much. What's troubling you lately"

You sigh. He always asked you these kind of things. But you shake your head.

"I'm not going to answer that" you say.

Bobby bangs his hand on the table making the glass bottles shake and rattle.

"Oh y/n you silly. You're always playing hard to get" he says. "That's fine I won't ask anything more"

"I'm just nervous about my wedding I guess " you say.

"Don't worry y/n. Whoever the groom is the luckiest guy in the world to be marrying you." Bobby says while holding up a peach sign. He smiles with his eyes fully closed.

"Ok let's get you home, Bobby. You're drunk" you say.

"No I mean it," he says. "The luckiest guy is whoever manages to get you to settle down."

Ouch. You knew he didn't mean it that way but it stung. It just reminded you of what sunmi mentioned to you last night. Your unsettled heart and your fickle mind.

You call a taxi for Bobby.

"Are you mad?" He asks. You see that he's getting sober.

"I'm not. Why would I be mad?" You say.

"I think I said something dumb back at the restaurant " he says. "What I meant was that you're this really amazing person who deserves the best. The guy you chose is the luckiest because you chose to be with him forever."

You didn't know what to say.

"Thank you" you say. It was the only thing you could think of.

The taxi came and took him away. You walk back home to clear your head however the conversation between you and Bobby kept replaying in your head.

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