(rough copy)
"come one guys, hurry up!" Charlote yelled before she stepped into the van.
"we're coming. Hold your horses." Zac called out. Zac and Jane quickly loaded the rest of their luggage into the trunk of the van. A long car ride later, they pulled up to their cabin. The cabin has a light brown shine to it, and has a huge porch out front. The cabin is one story tall and the lot is surrounded by a forest of trees. There is a long and twisty driveway to get to the cabin, and has a blue lake near by where the family can go swim and fish at. Once the van has been parked, Jane shot out to look around at where they are staying for quarantine.
"woah! This place is beautiful." Jane said with a wide eyed astonished look on his freckled face.
"I know right?" Zac said. "happy birthday. I didn't know what to get you so i thought bringing you out here with us would be a nice present" Zac said with a dusted blush on his face.
"this is why you are my best friend, Zac" Jane laughed. Zac blushed a darker shade of pink.
"Hey, are you two boys done talking? we could really use some help here unloading the van." mary called out.
"O-oh yeah, sorry mum! we're on it." Zac called out. Zac went to go help unpack the van while Jane kept admiring the view of the clear blue lake.
"I'm so excited to look around more!" Jane said as he set down the last box down.
"Go ahead then. Zac and I will finish up here." Charlote said with a soft smile on her face.
"Hey Jack, sweetie, could you come help with the kitchen ware?" Mary called out.
"of course honey." Jack said, giving her a soft kiss on the forehead before unloading the kitchenware. Jane left the cabin and went down to the lake. There was a nice pebble beach with some slightly worn out antique white lawn chairs. Jane sat on a lawn chair and took off his socks and sandals. Janbe went over to the lake, and dipped his toes into the cool fresh lake water.
" Haha, it feels so nice. " Jane said as he moved further into the water. Jane took in a deep breath of fresh air. Going further into the lake, Jane tripped on a big rock he didn't see in the water, and fell straight into the water. Jane, now fully soaked head to toe, pushed back his nowet blonde hair from his face and laughed. " this day is the best day of my life." he said falling back into the water. "This is a great way to celebrate my 17th birthday. Now I am only one year younger than Zac." Jane said with a calm voice.
Jane slowly came out of the water, and sat on the lawn chair basking in the sun in an attempt to try to dry off. After a few minutes, Jane lost his patience. He put back on his socks and shoes, getting them wet in the process and then started to walk around more in hopes that will get him to dry off faster. Jane walked around the grounds when he came across a small walkway into the forest at the back of the cabin. The pathway is very long and dark. you can't see the end of the trait at all. The trail is full of dusted red and brown rocks with little patches of moss growing everywhere.jane slowly steps onto the trail, hesitantly inching his way further into the forest. The trees started to tower over Jane further he walked into the forest. the trees started casting large shadows further into the forest as the light behind him began to disappear.
"nah dude, i'm out" Jane said fear dripping from his voice. " I hate the woods. Why would i go in here?!" He started to walk back, but noticed that there was no light coming from the way he came, making him even more spooked. Jane started to run back in hopes to get out of the woods, but the more he ran, the darker it seemed to get. " what the hell is going on here?" Jane said, his voice trembling. Jane started to look around more. Every tree started to look the same, and there were no more shadows casting on the ground. Jane looked down, watching as the pathway was disappearing in front of his very own eyes, as it gets replaced with lush green grass instead.
"what the fuck, what the fuck, what the actual fuck is going on?!!" Jane screamed. " I knew I shouldn't have gone down the path. But what did I do? Go down the path. Now I am lost and have no idea at all on what i'm going to do or where i should go." Jane cried with now a full face of tears streaming down his face. Jane sat down on the ground, leaning on a rock, and pulling his knees up to his chest curled up into the fetal position. crying in tears, Jane managed to whisper, " H-happy b-birth-th day t-to-o m-me " he cried. All was silent, for the only thing you can hear in the dark, empty forest are the soft cries from a very special birthday boy.
word count: 902
Horrorthe year of 2020 Jane, Charlote, Zac,Mary and Jack go to their cabbon for quaratine.