dare 5 & 6

385 10 6

Dare and ask room

Valt: sky we have more dares!

Sky:valt I'm right here you don't have to yell

Valt:I'm yelling so hopefully the other hear me and come so I don't have to get them

Sky:looks like your plan failed

Valt:yea, I see that (stands up) I'm go get them



Rantaro:just hold still...and done

Lui:hmmm... Mmmm (tied up on a chair)

Sisco:there now he's less annoying

*turbo and gt kid walk in*


Drum:what's going on?

Sisco:flame head over here was being annoying so we decided to tie him up

Toko:valt's going to get made u know

Cuza:why, all we did was tie him up

Sisco:have to agree with cuzcuz


Drum:*notices*you ok cuza you a little red there

Everyone:turn to see cuza

Rantaro:he's right you ok?

Cuza:y.. Yea

Lui:Mmmm (he's blushing you idiots

Free:cuza are yo-

Valt:guys we ha-.. Why is lui tied up

Everyone:he got annoying!

Valt:ok? *untied lui*come on we have dares

Lui:I'm free

Sisco:keep yelling and you go back

Cuza:Sisco no


Dare and ask room


ky*thought*wonder where is everyone

Valt:we're here

Sky:what took you so long

Lui:they decided to tie me up

Sky:ok?, anyways we have dares from two different people

Agia: really from who?

Sky:we have a dare from Kayetra_Maryquel and here she is , hello kay

Beyblade Burst ask & dare Where stories live. Discover now