This is a test fic ( btw)

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"Akira!" Ryuji shouted, jolting awake he sits up in his room silently in cold sweat, hearing his heart racing. "It was just a dream?" He thought "it was just a dream" he let out a sigh of  relief.
He looked over at the clock next to his bed.

It was 2:00am.

He glanced over at his phone sitting next to the clock. At first he was hesitant to turn it on to call Akira but a part of him wanted to just get it off his chest.

Ryuji sat quietly, for a long moment, and lay backwards, with his hands in his face as he groaned softly in annoyance.

"Just call him.."

"You're being ridiculous!, you've opened up to him before"

"But that was different, I don't want to bother him at this hour!"

Many thoughts were in his head, it gave him a hard time to think. Although the first time he opened up to Akira about his personal life, it felt comforting that he could talk to him. He'd do all he can to help him earn his justice after being on probation. He wasn't really taken seriously to the team regarding his vulgar and loud tendencies when keeping a low profile and while not being the brightest, he has a good heart and has proven his worth.

In the moment, he swiped his phone next to him and took a deep breathe , sitting up. He tapped Akira's number on his phone as he quietly waits for him to answer.

Meanwhile in Leblanc, Akira hears his phone vibrating, he looks over at Morgana turning over and sighing annoyed in his sleep. The frizzy hair male yawned, rubbing the back his head and sits up, seeing "Ryuji's Calling" appear on his phone and answers it.

"Ryuji?" He asked, tiredly.

"Oh, Uh....hey, man, what's up?" Ryuji replied, putting on a false smile.

"Nothing, I'm just curious on why you're calling me at this time?, you've been acting odd lately"

"What makes you think that?" The blonde laughed nervously.

Akira raised a brow and was heading downstairs."Ryuji, four nights ago you sent me a message to check on me, just be real with me..what's really going on?"

Ryuji sighed "I've been having nightmares recently...and for some reason it wasn't about Kamoshida and my dad.."

"Then if it had nothing to do with them, what was it that drove you into calling me?.." Akira asked, Ryuji heard the sound of Akira stirring his coffee with a spoon, as it clinked the sides of the mug through the phone.

"Well it's hard to say, man.."

Akira became confused on what Ryuji was worried about.

"You know how we are doing these infiltrations?"


"Well shit got out of hand.."

"How out of hand?" Akira asked, as his phone was sitting on the counter, he sat down sipping down his coffee while listening in to Ryuji's conversation.

Ryuji swallows his breath. "Well ..we were in mementos and fighting these shadows...who we're way too strong to take down...I was suddenly brainwashed..none of the team could snap me out of it..not even you..but when I eventually snapped back to

Ryuji was unable to finish his sentence. Akira picked up his phone worried.

"R-Ryuji?...Ryuji, are you okay?"

Ryuji sighed and took a breather, trying to hold himself together "I-Is the speaker on?...shit..sorry..I effin forgot.." he sniffled a bit, laughing half heartedly. "I know I was brainwashed by an enemy but I nearly tried to kill you..all I remember is you assuring me that it wasn't my fault while I was standing there as my weapon was impaled right into your chest" The blonde's voice trembled "Dammit, I effin' hurt you so bad...what if it happens again...What if it happens to Ann or Makoto, Futaba or Yusuke, Haru or hell, even Mona...It was an accident..what if those guys on the track team were right..what if I'm just as bad dad....Like father like son, right?"
his voice cracked a bit, he took a breather again. "I'm sorry..this is stupid.."

Akira looked down in regret, it hurt him to see him compare himself to someone who hurt him and his mother so badly in the past. "Don't blame yourself, This was all my fault I put you all in danger...if we came prepared, we could of easily avoided it."

Ryuji glanced down at the glowing screen on his device, he felt bad that Akira was blaming himself when it wasn't his fault, they we're all just in a bad situation and it all happened all at once.

Akira sighed sadly and tried to make an effort to comfort him "It's okay, Ryuji...this wasn't your fault, ok?..You didn't let the track team's words get to you before..none of us let anyone know that they get to us..It was just a dream, right?..because I know you would never hurt me or anyone else...and I am going to say this because it's true" Akira's voice went a little stern but assuring "You are nothing like your may be short tempered at times but there is some goodness in you that you are not afraid to show and to be're like me..."

Ryuji was a little confused by what he meant by that, until it hit him with the realisation he made on how unfair people treated both of them, reflecting back on the first few days they met and discovered the distorted palaces.

"It's hard...but I'm glad I met someone like accepted me and believed in me back one else did. Ryuji, If anything like your dream ever happened for real, we always have each other's backs in any situation and if a battle becomes too overwhelming, we go to the closest safe room to rest and plan until we've have it figured out...Nothing's never gonna happen to me..or anyone..and I promise you that.."

Ryuji smiled softly by Akira's reassurance.

"Thanks for picking up, man...I really needed to hear that."

"Anytime", Akira shrugged smiling. "By the way, if you want to vent about something..make sure it's not on a school night, kay?"

Ryuji laughed. "Okay, Okay, you're not wrong there, we've got more ass kicking in Mementos tomorrow after all. "

After Akira put his mug away, cleaning it out, he went back upstairs and laid down on his bed. "Get some sleep, Skull and also.." Akira winks with a little smirk on his face. "it's kinda cute to see that caring side from you" He chuckles, leading Ryuji to roll his eyes at him.

"Whatever, see you in the morning, you effin dork"

The call ended, Ryuji relaxes and lays onto his bed and placing his phone on the counter as he finally managed to get back to sleep.

You're not him- (Akira x Ryuji) Where stories live. Discover now