Chapter 1

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Madeleine's POV.

I stare blank into Leon's brown eyes as he sits down on the old blue wooden chair infront of me , his hair is messier than usual, like he pulled it for hours, he has a darker shade of purple under his eyes and he is shaking, not out of fear, but from stress.

"What do you want, Leon."

I say as I see him shift in his seat as if it was a bad idea to talk to me.

"Well.. uhm.. Sh-She told me, Mandy I mean, Mandy told me to warn you."

He whispers quickly and looks around to see that no one else heard him.

"For what?"" I ask and look at the clock.

Almost time for food.
"J.A" He answers and his mouth turns into a tiny wicked smile.

"And that stands for?" I ask ,he looks very very scared,but then again.. he's a paranoid little shit.

"James Arden." Leon quickly spits out before he stands up and walks towards the old brown worn out couch.

"They are all fucked up here." I mutter and roll my eyes.

I look at the clock again. '10:47' only 13 minutes left.

I walk towards the guard and he gives me a short smile as I lean myself towards the wall next to him.

"Hello Maddie" he quietly says and I give him a quick nod.

"Sup Ted, any updates?" I says and stares at everyone in here.

Veronica walks up to the windows and stare at it, Calvin plays the piano and Edward laughs hysterically at himself like usual.

"Well we do have have a new arrival on the way."

"oh! what a pleasant surprise!" I say sarcastic with a little grin.

"He's a bit special.." Ted says and stiffen up as Mary-Ann and Olivia passes each other,those bitches can't stop fighting over useless stuff. Ugh.

"Aren't we all?" I laugh and Ted smiles.

"Not this kind of special, dear." He answers as he checks his watch and walks up to the guards in the hall.

"Okay freaks! Time for lunch!" I hear Pete shout and everyone quickly walks into a lead. Ugh these annoying little protocols.

I look out trough the glass door to my left as I see 4 guards walking in a lead,and then my eyes land on a beautiful man,brown,pretty short hair,big brown eyes,skinny and adorable beauty marks on his cheeks,pretty boyish looking actually, I mean he can't be a day over 20.

He looks up to his right and stares me dead in the eyes before a small smirk forms on his lips but his eyes stays dead, like nothing is behind them. And just like that he looks down.
His hands are cuffed in chains and so are his feet.

"Madeleine Clarke!" I hear someone shout from afar.

I look straight forward and my eyes meets Pete's and he looks very pissed.

"Get in the line." he almost growl at me and I nod. As I try to not laugh, I mean who the hell growls? Oh that's right, Wolfs and like dogs does.

The line is moving pretty slowly today,when it's finally my turn to get food I give Ingrid a small smile.
Ingrid is my second favourite employee here, after Ted of course.

Ingrid is a woman in her mid thirties with brown short hair, almost like a page haircut but longer, brown beautiful happy eyes and she always wear red or pink lipstick, she's very nice and she always get to hear all the gossip and fuzz, so that means, I do too!

"Uhm Ingrid,who was that man?" I whisper and the smile she gave me seconds ago fades into a straight line.

"James Arden of course." she simply says like I'm supposed to know who he is.

"And?" I slowly says and she looks shocked, almost offended.

She angrily puts a pizza slice on my plate and I sigh. That was so weird, I've never seen Ingrid upset before..maybe she just have a bad day.

I walk up to my regular table,puts down the plate and sits down as the whole cafeteria is surrounded by screams,laughs and cries for help.
Suddenly another plate is in front of mine and I look up at the person standing in front of me. James Arden.

James sits down and never once break the eye contact.

"Hi." I simply say as the strange man takes a bit of his pizza.
No answer at all, like I wasn't even here.

"Rude much ?" I ask and roll my eyes.

"Excuse me?" He rudely says and finally looks up.

"Yes? It is pretty rude to ignore someone. " I say and he raises an eyebrow.

"And? I have no reason at all to be polite to someone I have no interest in." He says and stares very deep into my eyes,like he's searching for my soul.

Ha,good luck with that.

"We will see about that." I mutter and takes a bite of my pizza.

"haha, No we wont little miss Satan." He bitterly says and glares at my hair before he laughs a bit.

I just stare at him in disbelief.

"Well fuck you." I spit out before I stand up and walks away.

Fuck him.
Arrogant asshole.
'Little miss Satan'?!

I look over to Ted and he just stares at me.

"What now ?" I ask and sits down on the floor next to him again.

"Just be careful,Maddie you can't say whatever you please to whoever you want. Seriously. " Ted says as if I should be scared or feel regret over that.

Can everyone stop telling me to be careful around him?! We have all kinds of fucked up wierdos in here, so what makes him special?

"Yeah whatever. Can you unlock my room now?" I ask and he laughs.

"Sure thing, just be ready in one hour for group therapy."

I grab the book my father gave me before he turned me in.
He put me in a fucking mental institution called Oak Creek, everyone in here is obviously out of their minds, except from me. I know I have the information they want to keep a secret, I know why I'm locked up in here and I know what they all fear.

The truth.

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