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"Mommy, tell me a story!" Little six-year old Fengjiu bounced on her mother's lap, a wide grin pinching her cheeks.

Her mother inwardly chuckled at her daughter's excitement while giving her a sterner look. "Xiao Bai, the sun has set and the stars are out to play. You know this means it is time for sleeping. I can tell you a story tomorrow."

Fengjiu pouted, her cute chubby cheeks puffed out, "Mommy, how can I fall asleep when all I want is a story? Please!" She gave her mom her biggest fox cub eyes. With a cute demeanor like this, how could her mother bear to say no?

Feng Xue sighed in defeat. Her daughter's pouting was too adorable. The little cub was quite spoiled.

"Very well, Little Nine. Listen well. This story is of our proud origins as the Fox Clan." Fengjiu giggled, excited for her mother's story. "Long ago, the world was full of great beasts-"

"What kinda beasts?"

"No interrupting, Little Nine. Let your mother finish her story." Fengjiu's father, Bai Yi, had snuck in to scold her.

Fengjiu pouted, not wanting to get scolded by her doting father. "Sowwy mother."

Bai Yi sat beside her mother and the three of them cuddled under the warmth of the covers.

"It is ok, Xiao Bai," her mother patted her head before continuing. "Now, where was I? Ah, yes! There were once many beasts who roamed our fair earthly realm: The Eternal Phoenix who was made of life, The Proud Lion who was made of shadows, The Distant Dragon who was made of stone, and, of course, the best was The Clever Nine Tailed Fox who was made of mischief!" Fengjiu wiggled in her mother's lap as she excitedly listened. Mischief was Fengjiu's favorite thing! "The Nine Tailed Fox had fiery passion which often led her to trouble. She enjoyed fooling others with her clever tricks and looked down on the human race for she found them to be especially dumb!"

The little princess wondered what The Nine Tailed Fox would think of her. She knew she was somewhat of a troublemaker, always getting scolded by her father for her antics. However, she did not think herself especially smart. School was something she did her best to avoid, much to her father's frustration. The little girl hoped she could be clever like the fox. Then, she could meet The Nine Tailed Fox, and they could be friends.

"Nine continued to think of humans in such a way until one fateful day. She found a handsome human, and, as usual, she went to have a good laugh and prank the unsuspecting man. However, this time was different. He couldn't be tricked! Nine had never met a human who had seen through her so completely. She fell in love with this handsome man, but he did not love her."

Fengjiu was devastated for Nine. How sad it must be for one's love to go unrequited!

"Mommy, he has to love her! He has to! The ending will be too sad if he don't love her!"

"Ahh, don't worry my little fox. This story has a happy ending." Fengjiu felt a little relieved and allowed her mother to continue. "The man was actually deeply in love with the beautiful and mischievous Nine. But he lied. This man knew she was immortal. He was finite and she was infinite. How could they be together happily?"

"They just will! I know it Mommy!"

Feng Xue pet her daughter's ruffled hair down, hoping to calm the girl. Perhaps she should have chosen a calmer story...

"The man was scared. Scared she would forget him after he died. Scared she would lose interest. Scared of an ill fated romance between an immortal and a mortal. So, he kept his distance. Nine was heartbroken, believing he truly did not love her. She felt immortal life was not worth living if she could not be by his side. So, Nine made the ultimate sacrifice. She cut her tails off and became mortal!" Fengjiu gasped in shock. How painful that must have been. "The man, seeing this great sacrifice, realized Nine truly loved him. They married and had many children. Nine and the man built this country together with their children. The man's name was Bai. He and Nine are our honorable ancestors."

Fengjiu was truly amazed! She did not know her ancestors were so interesting! Maybe she should pay more attention in her history classes.

"Now, little fox, it is time for bed."

Fengjiu yawned as her mother tucked her in. She wondered if anyone would ever love her the way Nine had loved Bai.

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