act eight { dreams of lost love, fury, and chaos }

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Luxury and lavishness. Opulence and glamour. 

All the big words to describe the luxury of a echelon no regular human could reach would describe the scene only imagined in a dream. In a big ballroom at the center of a grand castle, guests were dressed in the finest gowns and most tailored suits with glasses of the freshest wine the universe had seen. Music from the performing orchestra muted any complaints, if any, a guest had or boisterous laughter from the dining tables. 

It was in the presence of many that one person could get lost in the crowds. No one would notice a soul maneuver around the dancing square or slip past the guards stationed around, right?

"Do you think anyone will notice your absence?" A quiet whisper trailed past hot lips. An amused smile was spread across pink lips. Quick movements from a pair of crystal heels carried a young woman out from the confines of the ball. 

"In a room like that, they wouldn't have even noticed me if I walked down the stairs without a grand announcement."

With their hands tightly clasped to each other, the young princess led her prince farther away from the ball. Echoes of their shoes clattered against the stone floor, yet they ran with passion and vigor of children. 

It was under the shadows of high columns and in the dark of hidden hallways where they could share their love. The princess of the dream peeked both sides at every hallway they entered, careful to not alert any patrolling guards until they reached North Balcony. Not a soul would venture to the place royalty escaped to for secrecy, especially with the ball happening on the other side of the palace. Everyone was going to make sure everyone else saw them. 

In the quiet peace that surrounded them, the princess wrapped her arms around her lover as he held onto her waist before they fell into a deep kiss. A gentle breeze from the height ruffled their clothing, adding movement to their love. Opening his eyes to see the love of his life look up at him, the prince kissed the good moon-crescent on her forehead.

"Thank you."

The couple embraced after the kiss. Nearly drained from her royal duties, resting her head on her love's chest re-energized the princess for what was to come. "Thank you for coming here, for me." 

But of course the prince would come to his princess' side. No laws, no governance, and no body of guards would stop his love for her. His arms tightened around the princess as his chin rested atop her head. "I would do anything to be with you, Your Serenest. No power in the universe can stop me from seeing you. 

The sound of one of her many royal titles made the princess laugh. It was only in his presence where something so subjective and menial would make her laugh. The bouncing of her head only signified his laughter, too. When with each other, no worries of royal duties, titles, or expectations needed to rest on their shoulders. They could be as free as lovebirds and the breeze alone with each other. Glee found only in love and semblance blossomed in their chests. A satisfaction greater than anything shone in their hearts. As tender as the leaves, the couple swayed to the side. Memory of the music played in their ears as they slowly danced.  

The princess lifted her head and spoke after a moment. 

"I want it to be like this all the time, not once every full moon."

The man smiled when he tucked loose strands of her hair behind her ear. His lips curled up into a sweet smile before he leaned his face closer to the princess'. Their noses barely grazed the other and one of his hands, ever so effortlessly, slipped down into his pocket. 

"Me as well, dearest. Once we step into the future, we will dance and love each other like this forever," the small box was then pressed into the princess' free hands, finally catching her attention. "But until then, may this be a gesture of my love and promise of our eternity together." 

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