95 3 3

Last Updated: 5-30-20
Word Count: 949


Devan's P.O.V.

Y/n was out with Ma'Kayla today getting some baby clothes and other baby needs for Heather. I'm downstairs in the kitchen getting ready to make dinner.

"Hey, Collins!" I yell up the stairs.

"What?!" he yelled back.

"What do you want for dinner?!"


"Just chicken?!"

"With mashed potatoes and greenbeans!"


I grab the chicken out of the fridge and start to clean it. As I'm cleaning the chicken, Collins comes down the stairs and goes into the living room and starts watching Spongebob. I was just about to reach for the can opener and then...


Y/n's P.O.V.

"...And I was like, Oh. My. Gosh. You look so hot." Ma'Kayla talked.

"And you said that to which one?" I asked.

"Justin of course." She giggled and fan-girled. "Anyway, after I told him that he said that he just normally works out at the gym that I go to and that he's been having a really good time there, but is getting bored with being around the same people all the time."

"What else did he say?"

"I told him that I went there and stuff and he said, "Well, since we both go to the same gym...do you want to go with me sometime?""

"So, you're saying he just technically just asked you on a date to the gym?"

"Yeah, basically and it's tomorrow."

*buzz-buzz* my phone vibrated.





|We're gonna have chicken, mashed
|potatoes, and greenbeans for dinner

|Okay. Well, I'll be home
|in like 15 minutes.

|Alright, love you.

|Love you, too.

|Drive safe and see you
|when you get home.



-End of Snapchat-


"Ma'Kayla, I gotta get going now. Devan's making dinner tonight and I want to make sure he doesn't burn the house down." I told her as she was getting up to use the bathroom.

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