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    Wu Tong bought a band-aid on the roadside pharmacy before he dared to go to the hospital. Almost as soon as he entered his brother's ward, he was discovered by the sharp-eyed Xiaoyuan. 

    "Sister, what's wrong with your mouth?" Xiaoyuan asked with concern. 

    "It's okay, I accidentally bitten it during the morning meal." Wu Tong replied without changing his face. 

    "Why are you so careless." 

    "Thinking about your surgery tomorrow when eating, so ..." Wu Tong found a practical excuse. 

    "Sister, you don't have to worry about it. The doctor didn't say it all. The success rate of the operation is very high." Xiaoyuan was really distracted and began to comfort Wu Tong in turn. 

    "When you are ready, you can go back to school and resume school." Wu Tong smiled. 

    "Yeah, it shouldn't be long before the semester starts. I just avoided military training." Xiaoyuan smiled happily. 

    "Let's have fun, I will make up next year." Wu Tong looked at the time and said, "I'll go to see Xiaokai." 

    Wu Tong left Xiaoyuan's ward and walked to the VIP ward opened by Uncle Wu Kai, When he reached the door, he heard the voice of the second aunt inside. Wu Tong knocked on the door and waited until the other party stopped talking before pushing the door in. 

    "Second aunt, cousin, let me take a look at Xiaokai." Wu Tong said with a smile. 

    "Second sister, are you here, eating oranges?" Wu Kai pretended not to see the mother staring at herself and handed the peeled oranges to Wu Tong. 

    "Thank you." Wu Tong took the orange but didn't eat it and just asked, "I'm going to have an operation tomorrow. Do you feel okay?" 

    "Can you? You have been blood drawn for several hours and tried." Wu Zhizhi said angrily. 

    "Sister, what are you talking about?" Wu Kai retorted, "I don't hang blood for several hours. The doctor said it was to isolate hematopoietic stem cells. I don't understand it anyway, but the doctor said there is no danger. I'll eat more liver liver and blood. " 

    " My mother will give you a good supplement. "Aunt Wu Er said distressedly.

    "Then take a good rest, I'll go back to Xiaoyuan first." Wu Tong saw that the second aunt and cousin were not very happy to see themselves, so they planned to leave now. 

    "Second sister, take some oranges to Xiaoyuan to eat." Wu Kai pointed to the fruit basket on the table. 

    "I bought it for him too. You can keep it for yourself." After Wu Tong said, he turned out of the ward, but after a few steps, he was shouted by Wu Zhizhi who followed him. 

    "Cousin." Wu Tong stopped and looked back suspiciously. 

    "Your mouth is rotten and you still eat oranges?" Wu Zhizhi stared at Wu Tong's broken corner of his mouth, his voice was ambiguous. 

    "Also." Wu Tong glanced at the very complete orange in his hand and threw it into the trash can beside him. 

    "You ..." Wu Zhizhi seemed to be irritated by Wu Tong's action and asked angrily, "What do you mean?" 

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