Maruk, The Evil Beginning...

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Cairo, Egypt    20 B.S.E

"It's time.." Maruk said, "Start the ritual" Maruk said with a smirk on his face, "O great stonks! Pass on your great power! TO ME! MARUK!" "Stop him!!! Maruk can't hold the power! He will use it for great evil!" It was too late... Maruk now had the power of the great Esmondis, the god that ruled over the earth. Esmondis held the power of the Stonks Book 1, the original stonks book before the second over 1,000 years later. People who had seeked the power of the first stonk book were overwhelmed by it's power, and the person holding the book.. Would die... "HAH! I KNOW HAVE THE POWER OF STONKS BOOK 1, AND 2!!!" Maruk said with a sinister laugh, Maruk had the power to destroy human kind, right then, and right there... "STOP HIM!! NOWWW!!!", "It's too late now! Actually, let's test out my powers! DESTINY BLAST!!!" Maruk said with an excited look on his face...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2020 ⏰

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