For a friend

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A knod to mr Thomas I know just how you felt, like a chocolate firewall when your life began to melt. I wish that I'd been home on the day you came to call, I'd of liked to try to catch you as you began to fall, for it was just a moment in time but for that short while our lives did entwine. and from that very moment when you were found in that car, I don't have to dig too deep in my mind to find that there you are, life is stranger than fiction I know that it's true, cos back in 2000 I worked with the man who found you , he was telling me about the day he parked up on the lane to start the day with a few beers, he'd tried to stop but in vien, there was another car parked up ahead, I wonder if when he first stopped you were already dead? He casually started the day as he always did pealing back the ring pull opening up the lid, with nothing else to do he starred at the other car, wondering what demons had brought you out this far, then it hit him the pipe the stillness the fumes, he didn't do wot I would do, or wot I would assume he drove away and left you sealed within your tomb. Phoned the police told them wot he saw then proclaimed his innocence"I couldn't do anymore, I'd had a drink and was driving, I couldn't save the guy" so there was his reasoning for why he didn't try, he said you were a teacher at the local school and it was then that it dawned on me as I listened to the fool, it was you he found that day you he couldn't save, you so disillusioned the one I thought was brave!!now for the second time I join you in that dark place disillusioned drained no colour to my face, yet still I want to help you and try to make you see the sun would of shone again for you as it will for me, you once told me how you had watched the sun rise standing on top of a mountain in many a foreign land, and though that was amazing yor life wasn't how you'd planned. Life is never ending even after we're gone, our legacy continues it rolls on and on, so ill hold on to life for as long as I can hoping and trying to be a good man. To make some youngster stop pause and draw breath, with choice words of wisdom that linger long after my death, for your words are with me forever and a day and with that my friend in my life you will stay ......

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