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Abbys pov
Miss Smith get up right now
Abby I'm up what do you want
Miss Smith there's people adopting somebody so get up and getting your nice dress she said in the  sassy tone.
Abby fine
I got up with some black leggings with a beanie. I saw to people when a girl with bright blonde hair and another with a Vlog camera.
The girl saw me and I looked Her asked my best friend Mary.
Abby hey Mary what you doing
Mary nothing much just waiting to see if I'm going to get picked.
Abby I lost hope in that.  I really don't care about this anymore.
We sat there and talk for a while until the girl came up and said hi I'm kover what's yours Mary I'm Mary and this my friend abby
Kover that's a nice name can you tell me about you abby.
Abby I like to dance and to vlog and to draw and to dress up and makeup.
Kover I like you same with my boyfriend see I found out that I cant have baby's so he decided to come her for my birthday gift. 
Abby I'm so sorry to hear that.
Kover bye I'm going to talk to someone else now.
Abby bye.
Kover left and Mary look sad when I got called to pack my stuff that I'm get. Cuz I was getting adopted.

Hi guys
Word count 238

Adopted by kover and AlexWhere stories live. Discover now