Chapter 1/ Prolouge

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"Smack!" I felt the bone crushing punch meet with my left cheek. I was pushed up against a wall with my cards scattered all over the ground.

"You lost, now its time to pay the price." The blurred man growled.

How did this happen? Why did It have to happen to me?

"B-b" Before I could finish my sentence, I felt another punch at my right side. His friends only laughed. Didnt do anything but laughed. My eyes half lidded, I could barely see anything. My Crimson blood, leaked all over the ground.

"No talkin missy." The man punched my face again. The next thing I know, Im on the cold, wet ground. The cement was wet from the rain pouring down.

They all started kicking me. All four of them. But soon,I became numb. I couldnt feel anything. After that, I was then pushed back up against the wall,off the ground and by my neck, feeling another punch to my nose, blood gushing out more If that was possible.

This man infront of me, was the captain of the wrestling team and I get picked on by him everyday. But today was different. Today, he challenged me to a Duel Monsters battle, and If I lost, he would start hurting my family and stop bugging me, And If I won, He would not torture me or my family. But I lost. But I said I would not allow him to hurt my family. My sister, Mother and Father. So now Im paying for all 3 of their punishments.

·~· YUGIS POV ·~·

I was walking down the street with the sliver umbrella over my head. I made sure to avoid puddles so I dont get soaked. School was still in session but It was break.

But I walked past an alleyway that I could hear laughter and the sound of A girl screaming.

I turned around, not avoiding puddles untill I reached the Alley.

I watched silently as the girl was getting Punched and Kicked. But soon, I couldn't hold myself back and let the Millennium Puzzle take over.

I made it just before he threw his punch.

I could tell the girl was unconcious though. He held her limp body up by the neck so she couldnt breathe.

I grabbed his wrist and Stopped his punch.

"This girl has had Enough!" I yelled In my scariest tone.

"Oooooh,Im so scared! You little starfish." He was talking about my hair. But Im kinda used to that.

"Oh you should be." I smirked. I quickly let go of his wrist and grabbed his arm instead.


My eyes slowly opened to a faint squint as I heard muffled voices.

"Stirred...Starfish" A mans voice said. [The bullies name BTW Is Taroshi] It was Taroshi.

"Shelve... Be." Another unfimiliar voice said in a menacing tone. The last thing I remeber was watching the unfimiliar man flip Taroshi on His back, from then on was a blur.


Once I was finished with the bullies and they left with broken noses, I walked over to the girl.

She had Shoulder length, Gray/Silver/ White hair. She was almost as skinny as a stick but she had some weight on her.

She wore a gray off the shoulder sweater with a tiger on it, And black yoga pants with black sneakers. She was also wearing a Duel Disk, just like the one we use. It was still out and fresh and her Lifepoints showed ERROR. It was weird but, Just by looking at her, I could tell they were aiming to kill her.

She was currently sitting on the cement with blood surrounding her, with her back resting against the brick wall.

I walked a little closer and saw a hand print on her neck and bruises already started appearing where he punched her. She was also holding a deck of Cards, with some of her cards scattered around the Alley. I took this chance to see what Kind of cards she had. Some laid in her blood but the rain made it so they were clean.

Wow. She had some really good cards while some were just weak. But I can tell she was a strong duelist.

But I better get her to a doctor. Before shes hurt even more.



SO My natural ending,


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2014 ⏰

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