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Troye and Tyler were in Tyler's car. They were driving... somewhere. Troye honestly wasn't paying attention when Tyler explained where they were going, he was too distracted by Tyler himself.

Alright, maybe Troye had a bit of an infatuation with the older boy. But he couldn't help it! Just look at Tyler! And if that isn't enough Tyler was hilarious and adorable! Troye just wished Tyler wouldn't get his hopes up by flirting with him constantly. It made him think that maybe, just maybe they had a shot which was complete nonsense.

Troye had liked (or possibly loved) Tyler for a long time. He even believed after they first met, when Tyler first started flirting with him, that maybe they had a chance. But then there was that one night, when a crying Tyler came into Troye's hotel room.

Troye had held him the entire night. He remembered feeling so helpless, trying to soothe his crush. Eventually he coaxed the reason of this event out of the older boy. It turned out that Tyler had liked Corey and couldn't bring himself to say it. The confession crushed Troye, but he sucked it up for one night and supported his heart-broken love.

Troye saw the car in the lane in front of them abruptly swerve. Then a car hit Tyler's side of the car.

Contrary to popular belief, when you're in a horrible car accident your life doesn't flash before your eyes. And nothing feels as if it's in slow motion. In fact, it all seems to happen so fast that you can't even register it. Troye blinked once and it was over. It took him a few seconds for rational thoughts to enter his mind.

The first one was about Tyler.

Troye whipped his head to the left and saw Tyler's head rolled onto his right shoulder, his eyes closed. Panic seeped through the 19-year-old. He wouldn't know what to do if Tyler died. He was the only reason Troye had the courage to admit who he was in the first place.

Troye was only half conscious but he managed to remember to pull out his phone. He called 911 and just as the call was answered everything faded to black.


Tyler finally opened his eyes two days later. Upon awakening he was informed that while Troye and him and been driving to meet Korey at a Mexican restaurant they'd gotten in a car accident. Ever since then Tyler had been in a coma.

Jackie had stayed by his side for at least a day, according to the doctor, and only left upon a "young man's" request. Tyler immediately assumes that Korey was the one to reassure his mom and a warmth filled him. It was only when the "young man" was described that Tyler realised who it was.

Soon after the doctor left he came in. His blue eyes were shining with relief, and a light smile was on his face. Tyler couldn't help but smile when he saw the younger boy do so. Tyler appreciated a lot of things about Troye but his smile was especially spectacular.

Tyler shook his head, causing him to wince. He's had thoughts like this one before, ones that randomly popped out of nowhere about the Australian. And they always filled him with an amazingly terrible feeling like fireworks were being set off in his stomach and like his chest was constricting, suffocating him. But the feeling would make him grin and squeal like one of his fangirls.

"Hey," Troye said. "You scared me." Tyler nodded a little.

"Yeah, it seems like I've scared a few people," Tyler responded. Troye looked down sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck in a nervous way.

"Well, this whole event got me thinking. And I realised that I was really close with you and sort of attached. I guess I already knew that but you going into a coma scared me into having enough courage for this confession," Troye said. He then took a deep breath. Tyler couldn't help but wonder what was about to happen.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2014 ⏰

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