Chapter 2 : Roku-ri Russian Roulette

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"Now now~ Sit in a circle and pass the gun around~ Pull the trigger and if you get shot...well, you die! It's as simple as that~" Nystul told them. They obeyed 'cause well, they couldn't refuse if their friends would die if they wouldn't.

"Don't do it!" Sakata shouted at them, not realizing the situation they were in. If they didn't, all 4 of them would die. If they did, only one of them would die.

They silently nodded and sat in a circle. Nystul threw the gun at Luz and he picked it up slowly, his hands shaking. He looked at the creepy red-haired, who waved around a switch, signaling that if he didn't hurry up and point it at his head, his precious friends' lives would come to an end.

"Before you do that though, don't press the gun right against your skull~ Even if it's just a blank, it can still kill you~" He warned them.

With his shaking hands, he pointed the gun at his head, tears welling up in his eyes. He slowly pulled the trigger as nothing happened. After seeing that nothing happened, he started crying into his hands.

This continued till the gun reached Amatsuki. He too, shakily picked up the gun and pointed it at his head. He started crying, slowly pulling the tigger.

A loud bang echoed deafeningly loudly across the room as everyone's eyes widened in surprise. "Ama~chan!" They heard an ear-piercing shriek as the red-eyed brunette slowly fell to the ground.

"Ama~chan! Ama~chan!" Mafu shouted, tears forming in his eyes. The collars around their necks clicked open as the four of them fell to the ground. The albino immediately stumbled his way towards Amatsuki's, now dead, body, still calling out his name. Sakata stood there shocked, not being able to process what just happened. Nqrse just sat in place, not wanting to look the red-eyed brunette. He wasn't close to him but, he'd always see him hanging around Kashitarou whenever he went to talk to Luz. Urata looked away.

"Ama~chan! W-Wake up! Wake up and tell me this is all a dream! Ama~chan!" Mafu cried out, shaking the red-eyed brunette as everyone tried calming him down.

"He loved you, you know? He loved you with all of his heart...The reason he joined the Clasic Literature club was also because of you..." He told Kashitarou, tears still falling out of his eyes. The green-eyed brunette's eyes widened as he heard that. Amatsuki loved him? If so, why didn't he tell the older?

"I'm sorry, Mafu! I have club activities today so, I won't be able to walk home with you..." Amatsuki explained to the albino who pouted, crossing his arms.

"You're only in the club because of that guy you like!" Mafu told him, his arms still crossed. Well, he wasn't wrong, if it weren't for Ama~chan's crush, there was no way that the brunette would join the Classic Literature Club.

"M-Mafu! It's not because of Kashi~san! I- I just wanted to improve my literature!" The red-eyed brunette said, his face a nice shade of red. After scolding the albino fir a while, Amatsuki bid him farewell before leaving to the club room.

"Hey Kashi~san? I-If I do die, don't cr-cry over me, okay?" Amatsuki muttered, his voice quivering. He flashed him a small smile, the final smile he would ever give them. His eyes slowly lost their shine as everyone stayed quiet.

The silence was broken by a loud hysterical laugh as everyone who wasn't crying glared at him. If Mafu, Urata, Sakata and Nqrse's lives weren't in his hands, most of them would have charged at the creepy red-haired, ready to kill him.

"Awwwww~ Don't look at me like that~ We'll even bury him beneath a tree in the courtyard~" He told them, the creepy smile still on his face.

Time~Skip ( A week after Ama~chan's death )

A small breeze flew by as cherry blossom petals fluttered around. A green-eyed brunette stood in front of a grave with a bouquet of paper flowers in his hands.

"Nee, Amatsuki~kun? You probably can't hear me but, if you can just remember, I'm doing my best to stay cheerful like you asked me to...Ah- Here, Senra~san, Sakata~san, Mafu~san and Nqrse~san made paper flowers for you..." He told him as he placed the bouquet on the grave. He smiled sadly, looking at the red-eyed brunette's grave.

"Well, I have to go now, or the others will get worried...I'll bring you flowers again next week...Bye bye~" He continued, on the verge of tears. He couldn't cry can he? He didn't want to go against Amatsuki's dying wish...

"Kashitarou~san! Welcome back!" An albino said in a cheerful tone. Even if he sounded cheerful, Kashitarou knew he was sad.

"Me and Luz~kun made lunch today!~" Nqrse told him as he clung onto the light-haired's hand. "Well, it's just omurice but, we tried our best~" Luz explained as he scratched his cheek.

"Anyways, let's hurry up and eat already!" Sakata complained, obviously hungry. The short brunette just told the red-haired about how he's always hungry.

Ahe he~ They really seem like an old married couple, huh? Kashitarou thought as he looked at both of them bicker. I'm really glad to have them around, I see why Amatsuki~kun took a liking to them

After stopping Urata and Sakata from bickering, they all sat down to have thier lunch.

"Uwah! It may not be as good as Ama~chan's but, it's still really good!" Sakata 'complimented' after taking a bite from his meal.

"We'll take it as a compliment~" The pink-haired told him as he watched Sakata gobble down his food. Because of how quickly he was eating, he choked on his food earning another scolding from Urata.

"Uwah! I'm sorry Ura~san!" He cried as he tried to hug him. Everyone laughed before going back to eating.


Uwah! I'm so sorry for updating so late! I really don't know how to kill characters...But, I still hope you like it! Also, the next few chapters would be fluff since fluff is the only thing I can write~ www

Even if I proof read it, just keep in mind that I write most of this at 1 AM~ I hope you enjoyed reading it and hope you have a good day/night!

Word Count : 1097

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