The people I knew before, but still love

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Back at it again. Writing :) SLIGHTEST s m u t ;)

Short chapter

Richie stood behind stage, his hands shaking, his back rippling with a cold chill. He had never been this nervous before a concert but he had an accepted reason and that reason was that he was currently in New York. It wasn't the business of New York that scared him. It's because this where Eddie, yes Eddie Kaspbrak lives and he knows that Eddie bought a ticket to see his band. And he knows Eddie knows Richie's band and knows that it's Richie who is the lead singer in this band. Eddie likes to keep track of his friends lives, as you could probably tell. As Richie continued to nervously shake and tremble, his band mates got ready but occasionally looking warily at Richie. They had done plenty of concerts and pop-ups but Richie had never, ever been shaking in his boots. Literally. "Hey, Rich? You good, man?," One of the band mates asked, grabbing his red guitar and adjusting comfortably on his shoulders, between his shoulder blades. "Uh, yeah. It's just there's this person that's gonna be watching that I used to know. It was kinda an awkward goodbye..," Richie answered, the lie prominent in his statement. The lie was that it wasn't awkward, it's was just to painful for him to want to remember. His bandmate nodded and clapped him on the back, a hopeful and uplifting smile on his face.

A man with a 'advertiser' voice came onstage, told a couple of cheesy jokes and invited the band onstage, causing some to scream with glee and excitement or just clap and whistle, both just made Richie's nerves worsen as he breathed in and out deeply, his own way of getting rid of his nerves. The big red velvet curtains opened causing the bright spot lights to shine in Richie's eyes, his vision momentarily becoming blotched with spots of strange colors, but when his eyes readjusted he could see just how many people were there. He heard the screams and yells of happiness, so he decided to make himself look just as happy to make sure the fans would keep coming. His heart thumped to the beat of his steps up to the microphone, he breathed a fake laugh out of nervousness and said what he always does. "You guys ready for the time of your life?," he asked, a sly smirk on his face, his confidence flowing back in causing his bandmates to smile.

First they played some of their fun and upbeat songs like (this one is knew) 'Stunnin'. The crowed loved that one and danced to it like there was no tomorrow, to which Richie would smile wide, his eyes glimmering behing his thick spectacles. They played a couple of song until Richie remembered about Eddie, Eddie was somewhere in the crowd just staring at Richie up on the stage. Richie had just finished the song and was letting the clapping and howling drown away behind his thoughts, his head craned away from his guitar to look up at the crowd looking for Eddie's neat but fluffy hair in the crowd. Eddie's sweet honey eyes, his scent of cleaner and honey milk and his kisses like chocolate against Richie's lips.

And sure enough, there Eddie was.. looking perfect as ever staring back at Richie with a sad smile.

"Richie.. I'm uhm.. you know I'm moving away, right?" Eddie said, softly, his voice dripping his sadness yet he sounded so calm. Richie rubbed his eyes, his glasses resting on his forehead, rubbing away the tears which already stained Richie's cheeks. "Yeah.. yeah I do Eddie," Richie said, letting his arms fall at his sides, making a 'slap' sound. Eddie nodded and looked at the curb to the right of his sneakers, his eyes pooled with guilt as he suddenly grabbed Richie and pulled him close and holding him tight. Eddie buried his face into Richie's smoke scented shirt, slowly staining it with tears, Richie rapped his arms around Eddie and held him close as he placed his face in Eddie's wavy hair. There they stood, the evening warm with a cold breeze at their feet, holding so tight that they had to let go for moments at a time to catch their breath, just to go back to hugging one another close and rocking side to side as Richie hummed his self written song to Eddie. Eddie sniffled and hiccuped but felt comfort in the song Richie sung. It may have been a pretty strange song to sing in the moment but it was soft and so Eddie listened.
"oh, necromancer,"
"Put a spell on me,"
"With kisses so sweet there on my teeth,"
"Oh, necromancer,"
"Why are you so far away?,"
"Another day rolls by without me kissin' your face,"
It had been a song that Richie sung to Eddie when he was down, or just wanted to hear it and had said many times that he liked the song, Eddie really did like the song. Eddie pulled away from the hug with sudden power, making Richie look at Eddie with a confused and slightly hurt expression. Eddie furrowed his eyebrows and grabbed Richie's jaw in his soft palms, taking Richie by surprise when Eddie kissed him with such passion to make Richie melt into the soil of the ground. Richie pulled Eddie close by his hips and kissed Eddie with just as much passion, if not more, as he raised his eyebrows in pleasure and happiness. They continued to sway in the night, kissing until the breath in their lungs was no more.

Richie opened the door to his house as fast as his shaking hands could and pulled Eddie inside as fast as possible, connecting their lips once again in a breathtaking kiss, Eddie moaning softly making Richie growl. Richie, without thought, brought Eddie to his room, closing the door and looking at Eddie with smoking lust eyes. Eddie lay on the bed where Richie had sat him down, his face contorted into a face of need and want, pulling at his shorts to adjust himself, yet it was still uncomfortable with his hard on. Richie took one glance and was at the foot of the bed, kicking off his shoes and carefully pulling off  Eddie's shoes while keeping eye contact.

Richie crawled above Eddie, his curls hanging in front of his face, his glasses thrown to the side by Eddie, who could see how Richie's features were only illuminated by the bright moonlight, but who was also desperately pulling on Richie's shirt, wanting to take it off as if it would somehow relieve Eddie in some way. Richie complied silently by siting up on Eddie's thighs and pulling off his shirt fast, immediately latching Eddie's lips with his. Richie's hands roamed Eddie's body, his legs, his ass and up under Eddie's shirt, pulling it off like he had done it time and time before. Richie kissed down Eddie's cheek to his jaw and neck, kissing and lapping his tongue at Eddie's particularly sensitive skin. Eddie moaned and arched his back at the touch, never have experienced this feeling of pure bliss and pleasure.

"Eddie? This is your first time, right?," Richie asked, his voice deep and gruffly yet full of care and slight worry. "Y-yeah..," Eddie admitted, embarrassment clear on his face. "Oh, jeeze! Eddie I'm sorry.. I bet I scared you and-and ugh, I'm sorry Eddie. We can stop if you don't want to," Richie said, hugging Eddie to the crook of his neck. "No! I want to do this, Richie. I'm glad it's with you," Eddie said, pushing his face out of Richie's neck to smile at Richie, who's eyes still boasted with lust. Richie smiled at Eddie and pushed him back into the soft mattress, only turning Eddie on more.

That was one of the best moments in both Eddie's and Richie's lives. It still rests with care in their hearts, often coming up in their thoughts. Now was one of those moments where it came up just as fresh and new as when it happened.


Now was one of those moments where it came up just as fresh and new as when it happened. Richie looked away from the crowd to look at his bandmates who were leaving the stage, the man with the 'advertiser' voice stepped back on the stage and looked at Richie with a confused face. Richie just looked at him with wide eyes as he just came closer, once he was close enough to whisper he whispered "What are you doing? It your queu to leave," . Richie didn't listen and walked up to the main microphone, and declared that he was going to sing one last song. One that was close to him. His bandmates looked at him with pure confusion, but he just strummed his guitar in a calm manner, clearing throat.

"Oh, necromancer,"
"Put a spell on me,"
"With kisses so sweet there on my teeth,"
"Oh, necromancer,"
"Why are you so far away?,"
"Another day rolls by without me kissin' your face,"

Richie had sung the whole song.  He had cried the whole time without shame. He left the stage holding Eddie's hand, a watery smile on his face.

Suppp. So it's a shorty :) buy y'know it's cool.

Stunnin' - Curtis Waters

Necromancer - Joy Again

Necromancer - Joy Again

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