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His hair was slightly messy from the outdoor activity he had earlier, the sweat was still continuously trickling down his face till his chin and onto the shirt he was wearing. He was still in his spikes, which were covered in soil and grass.

He looked like some cute varsity player trying to impress me by going straight to me after his game.

Okay, what.

"What are you hiding there?" He tilted his head to look at my locker even though it's closed.

"It's my sports bra, I just changed it." I managed to blurt out.

"Okay, I did not need to know that." He raised up his hands, weirded out.

"You asked," I walked towards him.

"Hold on, what are you doing here?"

He paused and looked at me like I caught him red-handed, I then squinted my eyes at him and put both my hands on each side of my hips.

"You weren't trying to peek on me, were you?" I raised a brow at him.

After I said that, his drenched face was painted with a slight hue of pink. He looked away from my gaze and crossed his arms, trying to defend himself.

"I-I wasn't." He said

"Wonwoo, I didn't know you liked watching girls change." I teased.

"I-I didn't see anything! I swear!" His face went to a darker shade of pink as he waved his hands defensively.

"So you were peeking!"

"Let's just go." He motioned me to walk with him already and I burst into a fit of laughter, teasing him was one of the most fun things to do.

As we walked to where he wanted to go, I saw that he looked at me for a short while through my peripheral vision.

"You definitely grew though." He suddenly said.

"Ha, tell that to the height chart that said I'm 5'2." I rolled my eyes

He suddenly stopped walking and looked at me with his eyebrows raised and eyes squinting in a ridiculing way, the shyness he felt earlier probably washed away already.

"I didn't mean your height."

I fell quiet for a second before realizing what he meant and gasped, my hands automatically flew to my chest as it was my turn to blush. I glared at him and he ran away laughing, I chased after him.



"...is this why you came to me in the girls' locker room?"


After we were running and bickering along the hallways (and eventually got yelled at by a teacher), the alpha boy led me to the school clinic.

I was both surprised and kind of not of our idiotic blonde best friend to be lying on a bed with his leg patched up in layers of bandage, not to mention the pouty and squishy face he has on right now while staring at us.

"I bet you caused that yourself," I said.

"I tripped over the ball." He shortly replied, still pouting.

As if on cue, Wonwoo and I facepalmed at his clumsiness. Soonyoung groaned in defeat and I sat on a spot near him, I held his shoulders and he looked at me.

"Does it hurt a lot?" I slowly asked.

"No shit Hane, I think my muscles are twisted now." He whined.

"If you only looked at where you were kicking, this wouldn't have happened." Wonwoo rolled his eyes.

"Hey, you even laughed at me!"

"You were crying, it looked ridiculous!"

"It hurt!"

"That's why I told you to look where you're kicking!"

I just looked at them as if they were a couple of eight-year-olds, which was fun to watch because Wonwoo looked like his veins were about to pop off and Soonyoung looks like an angry dumpling.

"...you look like shit!" I heard my blonde friend yell.

"Well, you smell like shit!" Wonwoo fired back.

"Technically you both are shit." I interrupted.

The looked at me in the middle of their petty fight, I snickered at their faces. After a short while, Soonyoung let out a laugh, Wonwoo followed, and lastly, all three of us were dying of laughter because of all this stupidity.

"Are you really going to be okay though?" Again, I interrupted.

"Probably won't be able to walk properly for a few days, but I'll be fine." Soonyoung patted my back in reassurance.

"We should be going, we'll come back for you after class, Soon." Wonwoo waved off and walked away, motioning me to follow him.

"See you soon." Soonyoung did the finger gun as I stood up, I whacked him gently on the head and he pouted again.

"Hane hates me~" He pretended to cry while rubbing the spot where I hit.

"Whatever, catch you later." I waved and went to Wonwoo who was waiting at the door.

"He's a dumbass," Wonwoo commented once we were outside.

"Well he's our dumbass, and we're both dumbasses too so we can't really complain." I shrugged.

"And aren't you hanging out with your alpha friends today?" I asked.

He then looked at me with a cheeky smile, stretched his arm out wide, and resting it on my shoulders, pulling me close to him as we were walking towards our next class.

This was normal between us, walking around like couples and even flirting.

And my heart skipped a beat.

Which was not good.

"I am going to hang out with an alpha friend today." He wiggled his eyebrows at me and still held that cheeky smile.

Definitely not good.

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