Drunk Confessions (HartBig)

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        I sit in the hotel lobby waiting for Grace. We are both meeting up with Mamrie to go to a restaraunt we found but it seems that Gracegot lost or something.

        I fiddle with my phone. The lockscreen glows with the numbers 12:20. We're fifteen minutes late. Where is Grace? I stand and go to her hotel room with the hopes that she is actually in there.

          I knock, "Grace? You in here?"

          I heard something fall and then I heard a giggle, "Yeah, I'm so in right now."

          I squint, "Can I come in? We were supposed to meet Mames fifteen minutes ago."

           She opened the door. A strong smell of alcohol coming toward me, "Hey girl!"

         I scrunch my nose at thesmell, "Grace have you been drinking?"

         "You know, just a couple cups," Grace pressed her fingers together, "I drank this little."

         I walk farther into her room, "Jesus Christ, you drank two bottles of vodka?"

          "Just a little like, one and a half," Grace throws herself onto the couch laughing, " That ain't a lot."

          "Holy shit, Grace," I laugh at her, "You're drunk, aren't you?"

           "Noooooo," Grace shakes her head wildly, "Just a little tipsy."

          "Okay, we aren't going to that restaraunt," I laugh at Grace a little more, "I'll call Mamrie."

          "But, but I'm hungry!" Grace mumbles. I smell her alcohol breath from acrossthe room. She has ratted hair and is wearing a baggy sweatshirt. 

           "You're also drunk. I'll make you food. Just stay sitting," I smile and grab my phoneto call Mamrie.

       It rings before a very unhappy voice picks up, "Where the hell are you, Hannah?"

       "At Grace's hotel," I try to smile through the phone to make the situation better.

      "Why are you there? You're really fucking late," Mamrie talks harshly.

      "Grace is really drunk," I say, "Like 'Hurricane Hangout' drunk."

     "Oh shit, man," Mamrie laughs, "I understand why you aren't here. Want help?"

     "Nah, I've got this," I hear a clanking and more giggling, "I better go before Grace hurts herself."

     "Alrighty, bye Hannah."

     "See you," I hang up and walk toward Grace. She smiles and pats an empty spot on the couch. I fill in the spot and she lyes her head on my lap.

      "Want to play a game?" Grace mumbles.

      "Sure, Grace," I smile at her.

     "I'm gonna say a three word sentence then you have to respond with a four word sentence," Grace explains.

        "Alright, sounds easy."

        Grace laughs and her breath carries to my nose. I ignore it as she starts talking, "I love you."

         My eyes widen but then I realize how shewants meto respond. Four word sentence, "I love you too."



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